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"What can he tell them now
Sorry I let you down,
Sorry it wasn't quite true."



My stomach flipped once I parked my ostentatious motorcycle outside 'Hotel Durmot', and the fact that Ethan was right beside me made me slightly nervous. Jace had spent the whole day telling me how werewolves had no control over themselves when he found out about my friendship with Ethan, and now, it was the only thing that i could think about.

If Ethan loses control with one of those bloodsuckers, how could i help him? How was i going to be able to save him in case the vampires outnumbered us?, which was going to, since there's a hotel full of them and only six of us — Clary shouldn't be counted as one of us, but since i have no other option —.

"Shall we get in?." Ethan says gesturing the hotel with his hand, he seemed somewhat humorous. I rolled my eyes.

"Let's just get this over with." I said sternly as i approached to the hotel, my seraph blade now suddenly felt like it weighed 100 pounds and with every step i took my worry grew stronger.

Ethan growled behind me as he sort of scorted me inside. The hotel looked empty, but it did most of the time, the dim light of the halls made it look exactly what it was; A vampire lair.

"How are you so sure that they are here?." Ethan muttered and i shrugged.

"I don't know." I simply replied with my eyes focused on every corner of the halls. My eyes catched a staircase; And it also catched a vampire on top of them.

"They cou-."

"Werewolf. You brought a werewolf." A pale girl scoffed, her eyes dark as night and her blonde hair fell down on her shoulders like a cascade. But her fangs, sharp, was the thing that caught my attention. I tilted my head before i felt Ethan protectively pulling me halfway behind his body as he growled at the vampire.

The girl smiled and fake pouted. "Ow the dog is mad."

And so was I.

"Get out of the way leech." Ethan growled once again and i stood beside him. I grabbed my Seraph Blade and smirked.

"I'm going to have a feast." The girl said before showing us her fangs and rapidly rushing toward us – Ethans body was prepared to push me out of the vampire's way – But as imagined, i was quickier and i caught the vampire just as she was about to bite Ethan and stabbing her on her chest with the Seraph Blade. Her body suddendly turned to ashes, no sign of her ever existing.

"Pity. I never caught her name." I chuckled sarcastically and Ethan opened his mouth, but the words he was going to utter; i knew them exactly.

"She could of killed you!." He shouted and i was quick to cover his mouth with the palm of my hand.

"Would you stop yelling? I'm sure there's more of those bloodsuckers around." I chidded as i slowly dropped my hand from his mouth. "Besides, i have been doing doing this for as long as i remember. So chill." I said with squinted eyes and he shook his head.

"That doesn't make you invulnerable to them." He muttered and i moved my head in annoyance.

Without a word we both walked upstairs cautiously. A Hotel full of vampires shouldn't be this quiet, i walked through the halls not knowing exactly where i was going but something told me that my Parabatai bond with Izzy is what told me where should i take my next step.

WAR OF HEARTS [J.WAYLAND]Where stories live. Discover now