Chapter 3

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(Helena's POV)

"Helena!" She suddenly burst in tears. "Allen wouldn't listen to me! I told him that Julian is alive and I saw him but he wouldn't believe in me and sent me off to this horrible place instead."

I froze. "What?" I looked at her.

"Julian is alive! My brother is alive!"

"W-what are you talking about?" I choked out.

"I said Julian is alive, silly." She suddenly grinned and stood up. She walked towards me and hugged me tightly. "Julian is alive! Alive! Aren't you glad to hear that? My fucking brother is alive!"

Before I can even think of anything that is logical, I pushed her and slapped her. "Why should I be glad that your brother is alive?!" I felt something warm on my cheeks. "Why should I be happy that the person who made my life miserable is possibly alive, huh? Are you really fucking deluded, Delilah?! What are you thinking about?! That guy... the one whom you call your brother, wanted to kill you too... and you're fucking glad that he's 'alive'?"

"You don't understand... No matter what he did, he's still my brother. He's been through so much pains. I'm really sorry..." For a moment, I thought that I saw guilt and pain pass through her expression. But that must be some illusion because she started acting like a child again. She put a hand on her reddened cheek and went to Allen who is just watching the two of us with an unreadable expression on his face.

"That girl slapped me. I don't like her anymore." She pouted at him. "Do you have any food for me?"

He smiled but it didn't reach his eyes. "I know that you just ate your lunch. And too much cholesterol is bad for your health."

"Pretty please."


He produced the paperbag which has the McDonald's logo from his backpack and gave it to her. He motioned me to go out first. The last thing I heard before going out broke my heart even more.

"I love you. Get well soon... I'm waiting, wife."

I closed my eyes and let the tears flow freely.

He went out of her room after a few minutes. I gave him a tight smile.

"I'm sorry for what happened earlier." I heard him mutter.

"No... Don't apologize. It was me who slapped her." I looked away. "I know about her... condition but I didn't stop myself from slapping her."

"You're hurt. I can't blame you." He sighed. Look, let's go to a more appropriate place to talk about this issue.

I nodded and glanced at Delilah's door before we walked towards the exit.

We ended up on the seaside.

"I thought that we are going to have a happy ending. That is until she told me that she saw him. That he kept on appearing anywhere..." He started.

"What do you mean that he kept on appearing anywhere? How is that even possible?"

"Allen! Allen! Help me!"

Allen rushed out of their apartment when he heard his wife shouting for his name. Yes. Delilah is his wife. They got married two months after they left Jacksonville.

"My love! What happened?" He asked worried. Delilah is sitting in front of their house, her grocery bags lay on a heap beside her.

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