Chapter 5

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"The story of my life, I take her home,
I drive all night to keep her warm and time is frozen..."

-One Direction

(Josef Blackthorn's POV)

All I can see is darkness... I tried to run and look around but the darkness seems to have no end. My whole body is aching and my head is spinning. Where am I? What is happening?

"Josef, sweetheart..." A voice suddenly calls me out of nowhere. It is a sweet voice. Unfamiliar to my ears yet something is telling me that I know who is the owner of this sweet voice that seemed to take away my pains.

Then, I saw her and everything seemed to brighten up.

She is very beautiful with her straight long black hair and beautiful blue eyes. Her smile is warm as she pulled me into a tight hug.

I want to ask her who she is but I am tongue tied. Besides, her warm hug made everything feel better.

It made me feel like I just found my other half....

Wait?! Other half?!

"W-who are you?" I voiced out.

She grinned at me and giggled like a teenager. "It's me, Emma! I'm your wife, silly."

Right then and there, I felt the hands of time spin backwards.

We were at a library. We were both crouching over a pen. Both of us were on our early twenties, very young and carefree...

"I think this is yours." I heard my younger self murmuring as we stood up.

"Uh.. Thanks." She took the pen from my hand. She started walking away when I called out.

"Uh... Can we grab some coffee... It is uh.. cold outside and..." It was the first time I tried to ask a girl out. I am usually very busy helping my father on our family business or studying my lessons.

I gulped when she smiled. I have a crush on Emma Tomlin since we were freshmen students. Who wouldn't? She is very intelligent and nice.


Then, the scene shifted into a grand dining area.

"Father and mother, I would like you to meet Emma, the love of my life. Love, this are my parents, Anthony and Ellen Blackthorn."

"What the hell are you talking about? You know that you are already engaged to Victor Hayne's daughter! You are marrying her or I will disown you." My father roared.

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