Chapter 7- Amnesia And Accidents

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As they walked, the familiar air of silence surrounded them. (Y/N) was in such deep thought she almost forgot she was holding hands with Mark. She was about to let go but Mark gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. "What's wrong? You seem bothered by something." He asked. "N-nothing, just a bit worried about Scarlet." (Y/N) smiled a smile that didn't quite seem to reach her eyes.


"Well, after you left Cincinnati, Scarlet and I became friends. We were close and we grew up beside each other. Anyways, Scarlet is known for getting panic attacks really easily and she just worries me because of it."

"Is that why you live with her?"

"It's a reason, I also just like living with my best friend."

(Y/N) shot him another smile that looked more honest. They continued walking, still hand in hand, until they reached a rather small park. (Y/N) looked at the familiar setting and sighed. "This is where I learned about Scarlet..." She mumbled. "I've been meaning to ask..." Mark began, his voice trailing off a bit. "Why are you here in California when you said you've been in Cincinnati?" He finished. "Oh. Well, Scarlet and I were going to enter a college nearby but it was too much to handle. We dropped out after a few months." (Y/N) replied.

They walked in silence once again, until Mark broke the silence that is. "Well, it's nice meeting you again (Y/N). I'm sorry I don't really remember you." He apologized. "Don't worry about it, I'm just glad I can talk to you again." They looked at each other, locking eyes almost instantly. "So... Do you at least..." The words seemed to get lost once they reached the tip of (Y/N)'s tongue. She awkwardly smiled at Mark, gazing into those precious brown eyes of his.

Mark was about to lean in but realized it probably wasn't the best idea to do so. He quickly snapped out of the trace and chuckled nervously. (Y/N) followed the nervous laughter with her own, rubbing the back of her neck as a familiar heat reached her cheeks. "Uh, what were you going to say?" Mark asked, the same heat reaching his cheeks as well. "What was I going to say...?" (Y/N) thought hard but couldn't find any of the words she wanted to say. "Oh! I was going to ask if you forgot anything else about your past." She asked. "If I forgot it how could I remember it?" Mark laughed. "Right..." (Y/N) laughed as well.

"Oh, I did want to tell you. I called my mom yesterday-"

"I love your mom! She's the best!"

"She loves you too."

Mark laughed at the interruption but continued. "Anyways, I called to ask if anything happened that made me forget you or anything else." He spoke in a serious tone. "Well? Did she know anything?" (Y/N) looked at him, squeezing his hand worriedly. "Apparently, a few weeks after I moved, I got into a car crash. The doctors said I had a few broken bones and amnesia. My mom said she had to come and help me out at home but I barely recognized her and thought she was an intruder. I forgot a fair amount of things but I learned the basics so I thought it was okay." Mark replied. (Y/N) sighed, leaning her head on his shoulder as the continued walking.

"Mark... I've missed you so much..." She closed her eyes. "I'm pretty sure I missed you just the same." He smiled to himself. (Y/N) looked at him and smiled as well. "I think we should be getting back." She said softly. "Okay, let's go." Mark turned around, still holding her hand. Instead of walking, he picked (Y/N) up onto his back. "Mark!" She yelled, burying her face into the crook of his neck. "Yes?" He laughed. "Put me down!" She laughed, holding tightly onto him.

Suddenly Mark realized there were children staring at the both of them. "Mommy, did you and Dad do that when you were younger?" One child asked their mother, pointing at Mark and (Y/N). "Why yes he did. We were so in love back then." The mother looked at what Mark assumed to be the father. "Your mother is right. Even now we are still in love. I find myself falling deeper into love every time I look at her." He smiled.

Mark realized (Y/N) had calmed down and was even listening to the conversation. She hugged him as they began on their journey back home.


Mark stopped in front of (Y/N)'s door and set her down. She hesitated to hug him but was surprise when Mark had pulled her into an embrace of his own. He wrapped his arms around her waist and hugged her tightly. (Y/N) hugged him back and felt herself holding back tears. "Mark, I hate that you can't remember me..." She mumbled into his chest. "I know...I'm really sorry (Y/N)... " He pulled away to look at her. He wiped her tears away and smiled softly. "I'll remember you someday, I-I promise." He kissed her forehead, letting his lips linger for a second, and pulled away.

"Mark... I..." her sweet voice trailed off as if she didn't trust her words. Mark smiled encouragingly but she still didn't speak. He frowned a bit and was about to say something but the sound of something crashing inside interrupted them. (Y/N) quickly opened the door and found Scarlet on the floor frantically picking up broken glass off the floor.

She looked up at the door and accidentally cut her finger. She yelped in pain before wiping the blood on a nearby dish cloth. (Y/N) ran over as Mark shut the door before following behind.

"(Y/N)! You're home already?!"

"Yes! What happened?!"

"Well I wanted to make something special for you and Mark... But me being clumsy, I dropped a bowl."

Mark smiled at the two girls. "That's so nice of you Scarlet." He looked over at the table and saw the delicious looking assortment of foods. "It looks amazing! Go put a band aid on that and join us for the feast." He smiled again at Scarlet. She nodded and walked into the nearest bathroom.

"She adores being praised. Thank you Mark." (Y/N) smiled as she picked up the rest of the glass. Mark kneeled down and helped a bit. Their hands landed on the same shard of glass. Mark looked up to meet (Y/N)'s gaze. A light pink dusted their cheeks as they stared back at one another. (Y/N) was the first to look away and pick up the shard.

Mark was a bit disappointed at first but when he looked up he saw (Y/N)'s back and let his eyes travel below her waist. He immediately became flustered and stood up suddenly. "I'm got to use the bathroom!" He said rather quickly. "Mark! Wait Scarl-" But it was too late to warn him, he was already out of sight.

Finding You (Markiplier X Reader)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα