Chapter 13- Jealousy Stirs

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As soon as Jack saw (Y/N) come in, he ran over and pulled her into a tight embrace. His eyes were red and his breathing was uneven. He took in deep but quick breaths as he tried to regain his composure that had already been lost. He kept his head hanging low as he pulled away from her. Mark looked at Jack and pulled him into an embrace of his own, Jack broke down in tears again. Mark looked pass Jack and saw (Y/N) crying but kept a hand over her mouth to keep herself from making any noise.

"Jack, tell us if anything happens okay? You look exhausted and hungry, (Y/N) and I will grab you some coffee." Mark whispered into Jack's ear. Jack pulled away and nodded as Mark grabbed (Y/N)'s free hand. He led her to the car before turning around and hugged her tightly. She let out a shaky breath as she cried into Mark's chest. "M-Mark I can't..." She said in between cries. Mark didn't say a word, he let her take her time to say what she needs to. "I-I can't... I love Scarlet a-and... I'm s-scared of... Of losing h-her..." She cried even harder. Mark pulled away and placed a kiss her, ignoring the salty taste of tears on her lips. He looked at (Y/N) and hugged her again. "I promise everything will be okay, maybe not now but it will be." Mark looked deep into her eyes as he spoke, his voice making her calm down. They stood in their embrace for another minute or so before climbing into the car and to the nearest coffee shop. They got coffee and went back to the hospital, where Jack had calmed down enough.

"The doctor told me Scarlet had gotten stitches," Jack said as he carefully sipped his coffee. "She's asleep right now and they... They aren't really sure if she'll wake up soon..." He mumbled, looking up at Mark and (Y/N) for the first time since they got back. (Y/N) took in a deep breath and smiled hopefully at Jack. "It'll be okay Jack." Mark said, smiling as well. "Thank you guys... I know it's silly of me to cry over her even though I barely knew her but... I do really like her and-" (Y/N) cut Jack off by taking his hands into her own. "It's not silly Jack, it's sweet of you to care so much about her." She spoke softly. Jack smiled for the first time that morning and nodded enthusiastically. "She's amazing. Before she fainted we watched movies and talked and I found out so much about her. We had so many things in common and she made me so happy." The smile suddenly vanished without a trace of it ever being there.

"Before she went to sleep, she told me she wasn't feeling too good... I told her she must've eaten bad pizza or something but I didn't know she would faint... It's my fault she went to sleep feeling sick and fainting earlier this morning..." Jack whispered the last part. "It's not your fault Jack," (Y/N) began as Jack looked up at her. "You can't guess what'll happen next, it just happens. It's not your fault, you didn't know it would happen." She finished. Mark sat back and looked at them, he let his eyes travel to their hands and felt his heart drop a bit. 'What's wrong with me, Jack likes Scarlet why am I jealous...' Mark immediately felt guilty as he looked away from them. (Y/N) let go of Jack's hand and grabbed Mark's arms. She hugged him tightly as they quietly finished the rest of their coffee.

Mark still felt a little guilty as (Y/N) held onto him. "Mark, what's wrong?" She asked. Mark looked down at her, forcing a smile. "Nothing, just a little worried for Scarlet..." He replied. Mark looked at Jack, who was still sipping his coffee, and kick his leg softly. Jack's ocean blue eyes met Mark's Chocolate brown ones as Mark tilted his head to the left, signaling he wanted to talk to him. Jack stood up, excusing himself, before following Mark outside.

"What is it Mark?" He asked, looking at the coffee cup in his hands. "Jack, I... I'm getting a little jealous of you..." Mark confessed. Jack looked up at him with wide eyes before letting a quiet laugh escape his lips. "Why?" He asked, looking up at Mark. "I don't know, man! I just am... You were holding hands with my girlfriend and-"

"GIRLFRIEND?!" Jack suddenly looked at him with a shocked look. Mark's cheeks felt hot as he looked at Jack. "W-well... Yeah..." He scratched the back of his neck with a shy but flustered smile. "Since when?!" Jack asked, smiling widely. "Well... Last night we made it official... I asked her and... Well she didn't say no but I'm sure she meant yes..." Mark blushed, looking away from Jack's gaze. "What do you mean? Did she say yes or no?" Jack looked at him with a suspicious look. "She didn't say anything, she just kissed and hugged me... I'm sure she meant yes..." Now Mark was getting a little upset. 'Does he not believe I'm dating (Y/N)?' Mark thought. "Hmm? Did you ask her to give you an exact answer?" Jack was really starting to get on his nerves with all the questions. "No. Jack stop with all the questions already! If you don't believe me go ask her yourself." Mark waved his hand in (Y/N)'s direction.

Jack nodded and quickly walked over to (Y/N), Mark following behind. "(Y/N), are you dating Mark?" He spoke too fast. (Y/N) turned her head quickly and looked at Jack with a nervous gaze. "W...Well-"

Before (Y/N) could answer, the doctor walked into the waiting room. "Are you here for Scarlet?" He asked. (Y/N), Jack, and Mark all walked over to the doctor who was waiting to continue. "I'll take that as a yes... Anyways, right now we have no idea when Scarlet will be waking up but we do know she is doing just fine... For now, at least..." The doctor mumbled the last part as he flipped through pages on his clipboard. Before anyone could question the doctor, He spoke again. "You may go see her if you'd like." He smiled sweetly, nodding in the direction of Scarlet's room. (Y/N) and Jack were the first ones to take off upon hearing those words.

Mark thanked the doctor before running after Jack and (Y/N). He walked in to see (Y/N) looking at Scarlet's sleeping face and Jack holding her hand tightly. (Y/N) turned to face Mark and ran to his arms. She hugged him tightly as she broke down for the third time that day. Jack didn't speak and for a while the room was surrounded by silence. Only (Y/N)'s sobs could be heard as they watched for any sign of Scarlet waking up. Unfortunately, nothing changed for the rest of the day.

Sorry for being a bit late once more, I always wake up late for school now so i end up updating during class XD oops, but anyways i hope you enjoy and sorry about Scarlet T^T stay nerdy, my friends~

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