He's My Mate!

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Kindle Edition: http://bit.ly/HMMEbook

Paperback Edition: http://bit.ly/HMMPaperback 

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Chapter One: Meet Mr. Garner

"Charlene! Hurry up or we are going to be late!" Shouted my mom from downstairs while I was in my room getting ready for the first day of school. 

I groan, trying but failing miserably to find the perfect fitting outfit for the day. Why is dressing up so hard? "I'll be down in a second!" I rasie my voice to respond, very much doubtful she can even hear me as I bounce back and forth between my closet and the full length mirror in my room. I apply the last bit of make-up, making sure I don't overdo it. I hastily brush my hair, attempting to smooth out the center parted back ponytail style. It takes a few moments for me to realise that I don't actually like the hairstyle and so I settle for a simple messy high top knot bun. I hear my mom complaining downstairs and hurriedly grab my backpack to join her for breakfast before she loses her mind. 

I settled for a pair of faded blue jeans with a white tank top and a pair of black sandals. Dressing up for school has never been part of my morning routine, usually I just put on whatever I can get my hands on and am ready to go. I loved simple and easy, but now that I was getting a new start, I figured taking a few extra minutes to look decent was not really that detrimental. 

"How long does it take for you to get ready?" Asked my mom, clearly frustrated and impatient. 

"Sorry." I replied coolly, trying not to show just how not sorry I was. She just rolls her eyes at me in a motherly fashion and points to the appetizing breakfast she'd prepared for us. I join her by the kitchen island and we silently start eating our breakfast. The silence between us, I feel, is a little bitter sweet since dad passed. Breakfast used to be a bubbly and loud time of the day for our family, but a lot has changed and though it can be hard to get comfortable with the change, I know we are both doing our best. And right then, our best was to enjoy the well prepared bacon and poached eggs with toasted bread and the best coffee only my mother can brew. 

After a couple of silent minutes, mom looks at me,"You look a bit shaky, are you nervous?" She asked, looking at me perceptibly.

"I guess I'm a bit nervous." I shrugged nonchalantly, trying to put her mind at ease. Last thing I want is for her to worry about me.  

"You'll be fine." She assured me, "You'll get to meet new people, the school is quite big and the classes are normally bigger than what you're used to, so you will be alright. Just be open and friendly, who knows? If you're lucky you might even meet a few cute guys..."

I turned to her abruptly, "Mom!" I have no idea why I was flustered about the idea, it was not like I've never dated before. 

"I'm just teasing, but be open to all possibilities." She smiles at me hopefully. Sometimes, I think my mother worries too much abut me. At that moment, I knew she was trying to evaluate my excitement to everything that was happening, but much as I was excited to start a new school and maybe make new friends, I was also aware of the possibility of being miserable if I didn't like the place. 

I return the hopeful smile, nodding my head in response and I can see the almost relieved look on her face. 

Most times, my mom and I barley speak to one another, but after my father's death, it was as if we had become complete strangers. She spoke only when necessary and hardly spent time with me. At first it was a bit strange but as time went on, I got used to it. 

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