He's My Mate! Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: Anniversary

Charlene's POV

I didn't just kiss my teacher. What kind of a terrible person am I? Mr Garner is engaged and I just kissed him.

Why can't I just keep myself under control. I so hate myself right now. I know I should be feeling guilty, but honestly I didn't, not even a little tiny bit. The kiss was right, I knew it and I knew for a fact that he felt it too. But why do I feel like I deserve a slap across my cheek? Not even that would make me feel better about myself.

Damn, I wish I had kept my hormones under control...but wait, he came on to me. So I'm not the one in the wrong here ,but neither is he. In times like this I wish I was human.

Humans don't have mates, or do they? I guess I'll never know since I grew up in the family of werewolfs. Humans choose who they love and who's perfect for them and with us, it's an entirely different story.

God, what will happen when his wife returns. What if he'll blame me for the kiss. I really am confused.

There was only one way out of this mess...switch schools.

I heard a knock on the door, which was the one that shook me out of my trance. I lifted myself from my bed, heading downstairs to answer it.

I was about to approach the top of the stairs when my mom called out.

"Charlene, Mr Garner is here to see you." Mom called as I was about to descend the stairs.

What!! No no no,not now. I can't face him, at least not yet. Think think think.

I ran as fast as my human speed could take me to the bathroom, "I'm in the bathroom, what is it that he wanted?"

I heard them converse for a while before Mr Garner left. I couldn't make out what they were saying, but thank my luck he didn't choose to wait for me.

I must be mad. My mom usually gets back around seven in the evening, surely I couldn't have been thinking about him for that long.

I checked the clock and it was past eight.

What the fuck!

I got out of my clothes and put on some shorts and a baggy t-shirt. I went downstairs and found my mom making dinner.

"So what did Mr Garner want?" I asked curious.

"He brought your bag. Said you left it behind when you finished your...detention?" The last word was spat out like a venom.

I'm screwed! "Uhm...yeah about that-"

"Charlene! Detention on your second day!" Monster mommy was about to pop and I didn't know how to calm her down.

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