Enchanted - Chapter 6

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I dodged the trees and jumped over rocks.

I ran as fast as I could.

I skidded to a stop and fell on my knees as I spotted her standing in front of me, a slight smirk on her face.

"Don't try to run away from me" Her voice sounded like an angel, an evil killing angel.

I took a deep breath as I got on my feet, I took a step back.

My heart raced as she circled around me, like I was her prey.

"Your so pretty and young" She softly muttered. 

"I bet your blood tastes good" She smiled.

I didn't know what to say, I didn't know what to do.

If I ran it would be a matter of seconds before she could catch me

I just stood there silent, not knowing what to do.

"I guess I have no choice but to die" I muttered.

She smiled.

"Your a clever one aren't you, unlike all the other humans" She said, softly and slowly.

"I guess I am, but you not so much" I said as I spotted the pack by the edge of the woods, she was probably to busy imagining what my blood tastes like, she didn't sense them.

Her eyes narrowed, and she crouched down into attack mode.

A reddish brown wolf  jumped out, growling and snarling his teeth at her.

The red head turned around, a shocked look on her face, she turned back around and took off into the woods. 

The rest of the wolfs took off after her, the reddish brown stayed behind.

I instantly knew it was Jake, I've never seen him in his wolf form but this wolf had his warm brown eyes.

I gave a small smile.

Standing there awkwardly.

"Hi Jake" I said softly.

He knelt down in front of me.

I took it as a sign that he wanted me to get on his back, but I'll just ask to make sure.

"Do you want me to get on your back?" I asked. He nodded his big head. "Okay then" I muttered and climbed onto his back, positioning myself and holding on tight. 

He took off, the wind smacking my face. I buried my face in his fur. I could feel the heat radiating off his body.

I looked up as we stopped. 

We stood in front of my house, I jumped off.

He walked back into the woods, I started to walk up the steps to my house. "Harper" I turned around. 

Jake stood a couple feet away from me, a stern look on his face.

Great! Here comes the lecture.

"Harper what where you thinking going into the woods?" He snapped, stepping closer.

"I went for a jog, no big deal" I replied.

He looked shocked.

"No big deal? No big deal?? Harper! That vampire could of killed you" He snapped. 

I rolled my eyes. 

"Oh please Jake, let's just forget about it" I muttered. "Forget about it? Why are you acting like this is no big deal?" He said, anger in his voice.

"Because it isn't!" I snapped. "At least I'm still alive" I said softly. 

"If it wasn't for us, you wouldn't be" He started shaking.

"Jake I'm fine, don't worry. Now leave me alone and go protect Bella" I immediately regretted the last few words I said. 

"I mean I ne-"

He cut me off and stopped shaking.

"Is this what this is all about? Bella?" 

I looked down at the ground. 

"Wow Harper! That's low, trying to get yourself killed, just because your jealous" He muttered. I snapped my head up.

"I am not jealous" I snapped.

"Ya right" He turned around and started walking away.

I could feel the tears stinging my eyes.

I wiped away a tear as it slipped. 

Don't cry Harper.

Don't show him that your weak.

Oh Shut up!

I snapped at the voice inside my head.

I couldn't take it anymore.

The tears flowed out like river.

I watched him as he walked away.

My heart stopped as he turned back around.

I quickly wiped my tears away, he came back

"Harper" He said softly. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry" 

I rolled my eyes. 

"Whatever" I muttered and turned around, he grabbed my wrist and turned me back around. Our faces inches apart.

"Leave me alone Jake" I muttered.

"Harper I'm sorry?" He said again, his eyes turning innocent and soft. "Of course you are" I muttered.

"Harper I'm sorry for what I said earlier, I know you would never try to kill yourself" He said softly, cupping my cheek in his hand.

"I should really get going Jake" I said trying to pull back. 

"I love you" He said softly, pulling me closer.

My hearted raced, faster than It ever has before.

"I love you too Jake" I responded, fighting back the urge to tell him the actual kind of love I felt for him.

"Bye Jake" I pulled back, running up the front steps.

I turned around before I went inside.

He stood still, staring at me.

I gave a small smile before turning back around.


Sorry it's so short :)

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