Twenty Three.

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Trigger warning for implied emotional abuse.


"I'm starting to think that maybe we have too many sleepovers." Camila says as she pulls Lauren down to cuddle her. "My sister thinks you're moving in."

"I wish I was moving in, because that would mean I'd get to spend all my time with you and that'd be fun," Lauren admits, snuggling up next to her. Camila feels that word try to burst out of her again and swallows it. "I like spending time with you."

Camila laughs and kisses her girlfriend's cheek. "Yeah. Me too. Is it okay if I give you a little makeover tonight, Lo?"

Lauren blinks in confusion. "A makeover?"

"Yeah." Camila replies, ruffling her girlfriend's hair. "I can do your hair and makeup. I think it'll be fun. It'll be like the time you painted my back, except because I don't have any artistic ability, I'll be doing something I'm good at. Makeup."

"I..." Lauren looks anywhere but Camila and shrugs, "I only wear makeup on special occasions. Do we have to go somewhere special after this?"

"No, Lo," Camila shakes her head, "I just think I'd be fun to do."

"Okay. I guess." Lauren shrugs and taps on her leg. "But makeup itches so I won't keep it on for too long after you're done. Because it's distracting."

"Alright," Camila nods and gets off the bed to get her makeup supplies from her dresser. "Sit up, Lolo."

"Oh, we're doing it now?" Lauren sits up and watches as Camila gets all of her makeup out and then grabs a pair of hair straighteners for good measure. "Why are you getting those?"

"Because I'm doing your hair and I want to see what it would look like straight." Camila explains, plugging her straighteners in and leaving them to heat up. Then, she sits down in front of Lauren again and opens up her concealer, making sure to put a light amount on when she notices Lauren cringing.

She makes sure to kiss her girlfriend on the top of her head before she starts with the foundation, trying to get it done as quickly as she can. She notices how Lauren scrunches her nose up and closes her eyes as Camila brushes the foundation across her face, and she finds it incredibly hard not to grab her and kiss her, because she looks absolutely adorable.

Once she's finished with that, she picks up her eyeliner and shifts a little closer to her girlfriend, sending Lauren a comforting smile when she stares at it apprehensively. "Don't worry, Lo. I'm not going to stab you in the eye with a pencil."

"I don't-" Lauren taps on her leg. "I don't like that. It feels weird when Mani puts it on me, I know. I don't like people going near my eyes, I don't want them to poke me by accident."

"I won't poke you in the eye, Lolo," Camila assures her, brushing her girlfriend's hair back with her hand. "Just stay still, okay?"

"I... uh, okay," Lauren nods, and Camila can practically feel the awkwardness radiating off her girlfriend as she does her eyeliner.

When she finishes with that, she gets her mascara out and kisses Lauren's cheek. "You're doing really well so far, honey."

"Yes," Lauren fiddles with her fingers and looks anywhere but Camila. "Are you nearly finished?"

"Almost," Camila assures her, "I need to do your mascara and then put on some lipstick. I've never put lipstick on anyone else before, so I'm sorry if I make you look like Miranda Sings."

"That's okay," Lauren taps out a pattern on Camila's thigh. "You're going to make me pretty."

"You're already pretty, baby," Camila kisses her forehead and then readies the mascara, "Look up, Lo."

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