Forty Nine.

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Trigger warning for mild homophobia and ableism.


"Camz!" Lauren flings open the front door when she hears a knock. "I'm glad you came, I have a surprise!"

"A surprise?" Camila repeats with a frown. "Are you okay? Your text was really abrupt and weird."

"Yes, I am so happy, Camzi!" Lauren bounces herself on the balls of her feet and once she's made sure the front door is closed, opens up the living room door. "Meet Dash!"

Camila stares with wide eyes when Lauren's new dachshund puppy comes running out of the room, yapping at her. Lauren picks him up and kisses the top of his head, waiting for her reaction.

Eventually, Camila speaks. "You got a puppy?"

"Yes!" Lauren beams, staring down at Dash. "My mom read online that- um, it's – autistic kids benefit from having a support animal. And she's known that I always wanted a dog, and she brought him home about half an hour ago. That's when I texted you, I want him to meet you."

"Read online, huh? I guess you take after her." Camila tries joking, but Lauren thinks she's still a little surprised. "He's cute. I guess we're going to have to rethink our name for our future dachshund, then."

"Dash is only a puppy," Lauren comments, "he'll probably still be alive when we're married and living together. That's why I wanted him to meet you. Because he'll be living with us. Here, pet him."

Carefully, Camila scratches Dash behind the ear, and Lauren smiles when she feels the puppy squirm excitedly in her arms. "He's so cute. Perfect match for you."

"He's the best," Lauren smiles and kisses the top of his head again. "I have always wanted a puppy. My mom said- um, that she thinks I'm responsible enough to look after him. And I will."

Camila smiles. "Do you want to take him for a walk?"

At the word, Dash squirms around even more in Lauren's arms. "I think he wants to, but we're not allowed to yet. We have to wait two weeks because he just got all of his shots and stuff."

"Well, we can cuddle with him in your room," Camila suggests, "is he going to sleep on your bed?"

"Yes," Lauren nods, "but he has a basket downstairs too. My dad says he should stay in the kitchen on a night until we get him house trained so he doesn't ruin the carpets, but once he's fine he'll stay in my room with me."

As Lauren puts Dash down again, Camila smiles. "Do you want to watch a movie or something? We might as well, now that I'm here."

"Actually, I was wondering if you'd want to go out." Lauren says. "We can't take Dash for a walk, but we can take ourselves."

"What do you want to do, Lo?" Camila asks, knowing that shopping is definitely ruled out and anything else loud is too. "I'll go wherever."

"Um... can we go to the aquarium?" Lauren asks, rocking on her heels. "I think it'd be fun. We haven't been there together yet."

Camila hums in thought. "Okay. Sure. Only if I can buy you something from the gift shop."

"Okay," Lauren nods, "I won't- um, I won't turn down free things."

"You'd better not," Camila replies, "I want to shower you with presents. Even though I have like, two dollars to my name right now. It's worth it for you."

"I want to get you presents too," Lauren says, rubbing a hand along her leg. "I want to- to show you I appreciate you. With presents."

"Lo," Camila laughs, "I already know you appreciate me. I appreciate you too."

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