Thirty Nine.

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Lauren is absolutely ecstatic as they pass a sign that reads 'welcome to Orlando'. So much that she even stops singing along to the Disney playlist that she'd made to stroke her fingers across Nala's fur and get Camila's attention. "Camz, we're nearly there. We're nearly at Disney."

"I know, babe." Camila smiles, desperate to glance in Laurens direction, because she knows the smile on her girlfriend's face will be absolutely adorable. "Just another half hour and we'll be there."

"Can we go on Splash Mountain first? I want to go to the Magic Kingdom straight away." Lauren rambles. "And- um, we can go on Space Mountain, and I'll hold your hand, and it'll be really fun. Then tomorrow we can go to the Animal Kingdom. Do you think I could take Nala with me?"

"Only if you're sure you won't lose her." Camila replies. "It's a big park and you could misplace her."

Lauren hums in thought. "Yes. I will leave Nala in the hotel room."

Camila smiles, because she knows for a fact that Lauren's especially looking forward to tomorrow. Clara and Mike had told her that the Animal Kingdom is Lauren's favourite park, and she knows her girlfriend is going to be in a ridiculously good mood all day.

"Are you looking forward to seeing the lions, Lo?" Camila asks, beaming when she hears her girlfriend mutter 'duh' under her breath. "I heard that."

Lauren laughs. "Well, it was a bit of a stupid question. Of course I'm looking forward to seeing the lions. And the Lion King show. But I really want to go on Splash Mountain today, and we can go on all of the classic rides like the Peter Pan one. And Space Mountain and Big Thunder. And- um, when we go to the Animal Kingdom we can go on the Yeti ride, that's one of my favourites. Can we go for a meal in one of the character cafes?"

It's a lot of information for Camila to take in, but she gets there eventually. "We can go on any ride you want to go on, Lo. And sure, there's a lot of different ones we can look in. Maybe we'll save that for the last day, as a sort of goodbye kind of thing."

"Yes, it will be something to look forward to." Lauren agrees. "We can go to the Donald Duck café in the Animal Kingdom."

"You really love the Animal Kingdom, don't you?" Camila laughs. "Good thing we booked our hotel in there."

"Yes, I love it, it's my favourite Disney park." Lauren tells her. "I'm really excited to go there. Especially to see the Lion King show. I'm really excited for that."

"I'm excited for this whole trip. It's going to be so fun." Camila replies, glancing over at Lauren for a second. "Seven whole days in Disneyworld with my amazing girlfriend? Yes please."

"I have been looking forward to this since you suggested it." Lauren admits, fiddling with Nala's tail. "I am sorry if I go into sensory overload while we're in a park and I embarrass you, because my mom always said that it embarrasses her and-"

"Lo, you could never embarrass me. Unless you literally pulled my pants down in the middle of a park or something." Camila laughs and squeezes Lauren's hand. "It's no big deal, babe. If it happens, it happens, and I'll be there to help you through it."

Out of the corner of her eye, Camila catches Lauren smiling to herself. "Yes. Okay. Good. Because I want you to have fun on this trip too."

"And I will. Anywhere is fun with you, Lo," Camila assures her, "even the most boring thing in the entire universe would be fun with you, because you know how to make me enjoy myself. You're a big ball of fun."

Lauren laughs. "Well, I guess I am quite fun. You're fun too. You never used to be as fun as you are now, especially when you'd talk about Austin. That was really boring and I never really listened to you when you talked about him."

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