Chapter Five: 2 Months Later

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Chapter Five (2 Months Later)

Pregnancy Week 8- The baby is about a half of an inch long. All major organs and body systems have begun to develop. This week marks the end of the embryonic phase of development. At the end of week eight, the baby is now known as a Fetus.


Looking into my toilet every morning is really getting old.

For the past week, every time I've woken up, I've instantly rushed to my bathroom to empty out my stomach.

Either I have the stomach flu that only comes in the morning, or Theo keeps drugging me the night before.

As I'm getting ready for the torturous thing called work, I realize that the wisest thing for me to do is make a doctor's appointment.

So that's exactly what I do, making the appointment at 5:30 this evening.

Realizing that I'm late for work, I quickly rush on my awaiting blouse and dash out the door, grabbing an apple on the way out.

As I hop onto the elevator, I realize that it might've been a rash decision, considering I'll probably get sick in here.

Holding my breath and closing my eyes, I somehow made it to the ground floor and run out the door, saying hi to Frank, the little old doorman, on my way out.

Getting onto the subway, I smell a hot dog car which instantly makes me swerve out of the oncoming crowd and start puking.

"Damn it," I say, wiping my mouth with a tissue I found laying on the bottom of my purse.

"Trimester one? I always puked at the smell of anything frying. You should get yourself some tissues because you'll definitely be puking more," a middle-aged lady said, walking swiftly pass me.

I instantly lose my breath and start walking to the subway in a daze.

Surrounded by the smell of teenage sweat and people chatting on their cell phones, I can't think of anything but what that lady said.

First trimester?


Is it possible I'm pregnant?

Could it be?

I didn't even realize that my stop came until the I heard it overhead on the speaker. I got up and walked out onto the busy streets, completely dazed and confused.

Looking at goers, going about their day, I think about how that was me yesterday.

Yesterday without the thought of pregnancy. Yesterday without the thought of a doctor's office.

Or last week. Last week without the thought of being drugged or sickness.

Everything can just change in a moment of time, and you'll never be prepared for it. You'll never be prepared for even the thought of pregnancy, or the thought of something tragic.

Walking into Telecable, all I could do was go about my day and think about the future.

What will the future hold for me?

In a year, will I be holding a little me? Or will I still be the same girl who doesn't date, and only has one night stands?

Will I be a partier in ten years or will I be the one hosting parties for my child?

Suddenly, with that thought, I had a realization.

If I was not pregnant, I would start dating. I would find the man of my dreams and be happy and have children.

And if I was pregnant, I wouldn't be as mad. Of course, I'd be mad, I'd be carrying a prodigy of a one night stand in my stomach.

But I wouldn't be mad at the baby. I wouldn't hold it against the baby when he or she grew up. I would love the tiny little jelly bean as its my own because it is my own.


Walking into the doctor's office, I was eerily calm. Filling out the paperwork that was asked of me, I handed it to the secretary and sat down.

I picked up a magazine, and oddly enough a child was on the front cover. A cute little child with a red, button nose-decked out in ski gear.

I smiled and flipped through the pages, seeing page after page of children and they're made up lives. I couldn't help but feel warmed at the scenes that played on the paper in front of my eyes.

"Stila Brookes?" A nurse said.

"Yeah, that's me." I put the magazine down and got up, following the nurse back through the door she just came from into the depths of the building.

Entering a room, she took what I presume to be my chart, and read through it.

"So you've been having the sickness? Precisely when do you usually get it?" She asks me.

"Mostly in the morning, but if I smell a certain smell or if I taste something I don't like, then I'll feel nauseated," I reply.

"Okay. I'm going to suggest we get some bloodwork done before we bring in the doctor." She says, leaving the room and coming back with the necessary tools.

She gets what feels like a pint of blood from me and gives me some juice, before leaving. I sit in the room for over an hour, looking at the wall decor and staring into space, thinking of the life I may lead in the close future.

"Okay, honey. I'm back with your results. I'm sorry that took so long, usually blood work takes longer. So we're lucky. Just as I suspected, you're pregnant. Now, I'm going to go get the doctor..." She says. I don't hear anything after doctor, I just stare at her until she walks out.

Am I supposed to cry? Am I supposed to feel happiness or anger?

In the end, I cry. And cry.

The doctor comes in and prescribes me prenatal vitamins, telling me I need to take them once a day and that I should not forget. He makes an appointment for me to see my gynecologist in 2 weeks and gives me an informational book.

He asks me who the father is, and I completely ignore him.

I leave the doctor's office in a daze, hailing a taxi and getting home.

I know exactly who the father is.

None other than my last one night stand, Clyde Lyles. 

Chapter 5 done!

This chapters song is "I won't give up" by Jason Mraz. I think that this song fits what Stila's thinking about the baby. Just think of the lyrics as a message from Stila to her baby, and you'll get it. 

I haven't updated in like 2 months and I feel absolutely awful about myself. But whatever. 

I'm here to tell you that I've set a goal for myself; posting a new chapter at least once a week! 

It's going to happen. I swear it is. 

Anyway thanks for reading. Vote and comment if you liked/approved this chapter! I appreciate you, my readers. See ya 

XOXO, Cooler_Than_You_101

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