Authors Note :)

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Hello, and thank you for reading my book!

I'm quite teary eyed.


Because I finished a book.

I'm about to share a story so grab a candy bar.

My elementary school was made so that you had one teacher for every two years. I had the same teacher for 5th and 6th grade. I was obsessed with pigs as well as yellow, so obsessed I would refuse to eat bacon (or anything that came from a pig) and I would draw pictures of yellow pigs flying. I remember everyone groaning when I raised my hand to share stories I wrote; usually always about yellow pigs and their flying abilities.

When I was in middle school, I would purposefully finish reading the book the teachers read aloud in class early. Keep in mind, my teachers collected the books after every chunk of reading time was over.

When others were still reading, I had finished. So what did I do? I took out my trusty green notebook with a folder attached (I thought that it was the coolest thing ever; it made me feel important), I had won it during a game of Bingo, and I would write in it. Endless and endless amounts of stories!

I remember one day near the end of the year, my English teacher called me over and informed me of this cool thing; publishing stories online.

It was then that I thought: "Wow. Someone actually believes in me. I can really do this."

So I tried and being a 14-year-old girl, I had other responsibilities. Like going to the park at 7 pm and getting yelled at by my mom because I was out too late.

In 2015, I found an author who was the same age as me (just 15!) and she had already written and published a book. I immediately went to Facebook to share my jealousy with the world. What else would a 15-year-old girl do? After gaining encouraging feedback, I decided to try and write something.

AND I failed.

So I tried again.

I failed again.

And last June, after another failure of a story I was writing, I realized the problem wasn't anyone's fault but mine.

So I realized the only way I could POSSIBLY write a book was if I made a new account, and made a new identity, and made sure nobody in my real world would know about it.

And after countless apologies, months on end without updating, and hours and hours of researching songs to fit the chapters, my first ever book is completed.

Thank you to all of the friends I have kept away from this book who are now reading it, or read it I guess.

Thank you to those Facebook friends for those encouraging words. Thank you to my 8th-grade teacher,

And thank you to YOU! I am forever in your debt.

Now, I'm sorry. This author's note is way too long. And I just got really personal. But if you're still reading this, comment "78". Just do it. Please.

Now on to the next part; What's next?

I don't know; you tell me ;) 

Before I really go, I need your advice. 

Should I keep the sex scene part in? 

I'll see you later, my friends.

Xoxo, Cooler_Than_You_101 

Over and out

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