Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

Week 19- The baby's kicks and turns are strong now, making them more noticeable. The sucking reflex is developing. If the baby's hand floats to it's mouth, the baby can suck his finger/thumb.


"Don't you give up, nah nah nah, I won't give up, nah nah nah, Let me love you..." screamed my TV, with me dancing in the background. Everyone needs a little Justin Bieber in their life.

As soon as Justin Bieber's voice hit the bridge, the doorbell rang.

Going through my mental checklist, I didn't remember someone saying that they were coming over tonight. Since Zackie's was already here in Theo's bedroom with him, and Clyde wasn't expected until tomorrow morning, I was hesitant to open the door.

Forgetting all about the blaring music, I walked to the door, and with a perplexed look on my face, opened it.

Instantly, I jumped into Clyde's arms and squealed.

"You," kiss, "Said," Kiss, "You'd be home," kiss, "tomorrow," kiss.

"I lied," he said in between my attack, laughing and carrying me into the apartment.

"I'm so happy you're back," I whispered to him, after getting my fill of kissing his face.

"I am too. And I promise I'll never give up," he laughed, referring to the song.

I blushed and turned the music down, content with just lying here and listening to his heartbeat.

All of a sudden, I felt something in my stomach. Kind of like a really strong butterfly opening its wings for the first time. I jumped and placed my hand on my stomach, with an astonished look on my face.

"What? Is something wrong with the baby?" Clyde asked, worry taking over his face.

"I-I think... I think that he just kicked for the first time," I said, bewildered.

"What? Are you sure?" He asked, a grin starting from one ear to another.

"I'm positive. Here, give me your hand."

Trying to position his hand to where I felt the baby kick, I leaned my head back and placed my other hand on the other side of my stomach.

We were both quiet for ten minutes, waiting for the little peanut boy to kick me again. But he never did, and with a defeated sigh, Clyde took his hand off and went to the kitchen to make dinner.

As luck would have it, the baby kicked as soon as he walked into the kitchen.

I couldn't contain my giggles, and with the sound, Clyde poked his head out in curiosity.

"What?" He asked, looking confused.

"The little guy's a teaser. He just kicked me again," I replied in between fits of laughing.

Striding over, Clyde bent down and talked to my stomach. "You little tease. You are already like daddy, aren't you?"

Softly touching his hands that were placed on my stomach, I looked at him lovingly. Realization crossed my face and I couldn't help the little gasp that escaped my mouth. Playing it off as a small memory, I thought about how much I was actually in love with Clyde.

With his evil smirk, and his amazing grin. His amazing gifts, and the way he sings. His goofy, annoying quirks and his superb cooking. How had I not realized before that I was falling deeply in love with Clyde?

Too scared to say it first, I kept quiet and enjoyed the intimate moment we were having with this small, growing family.

"Shall I go make us some Macaroni and cheese, with a side of Nutella pickles?" He asked, standing up and again walking to the kitchen after giving him a prompt nod.

That night, we ate a lovely dinner together in peace, with Cluff using his paws to try and steal our food and us laughing about his adorable failed attempts. 



Song this chapter: I think I'm in Love by Kat Dahlia

Sorry, this chapter's really short. I'll make it up to you :)


Xoxo, Cooler_Than_You_101

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