Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


I snapped awake at the sound of screaming, which I quickly realized was my own. The lady in the front seat of the car turned around to make sure I was ok. Well, I wasn't.

My parents were just killed less than two weeks ago in a freak hit-and-run car accident and now this social worker is carting me off to some foster home all the way in San Antonio.

"Sophie? We are going to be there soon, are you ready?"

"I guess" I lied. "Who are these people again?"

"Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery. They're really nice, I promise," she answered cheerily. "Oh and they have a son too. I think he's about your age."

"Oh. That's nice," I said absently. I wasn't really listening anyway. I didn't want to hear any of this. I don't care how nice these people are or how they have a son. I really just don't care, I just want my parents back.

I want my my normal life back, with two parents, a nice house, normal boring school, and my friends.

My friends.

I haven't even talked to them in a week. I've been shutting everyone out, just sitting alone, depressed. The only time I even left my room was to get my suitcases so I could pack.

Truth is, I'm scared. I don't want to face this. I just want to curl up in a little ball and never come out.

But I can't.

Because we just pulled up to my new home.

I stared at it awhile, not wanting to get out of the car. It seemed nice enough. It was just a plain, tan, two-story house. it had a driveway leading up to the garage, and a sidewalk from the driveway up to the porch.

Finally, I picked myself up and got out of the car. Slowly I got my two suitcases and my backpack out of the trunk. Ms. Watson, my social worker, offered to take one of my suitcases. I let her.

We walked up the path and to the front door. Ms. Watson knocked and the door opened to reveal a tall, slender middle aged woman with short brown hair and a smile on her face.

"Welcome! Come in, come in."

I put my head down and walked through the door. I looked up to see a hallway with stairs on my left and what looked to be a kitchen at the end of the hall.

I put my suitcase by the stairs and followed the lady down the hall as she talked.

"I'm Mrs. Montgomery. You can call me Sandra or mom or whatever you want," she said nervously. She turned away from me, "Austin! Austin come down here, Sophie's here!" She turned toward me again, "Austin is my son."

I looked up the stairs just as Austin came down them. He was tall with wavy brown hair, hazel eyes and he looked kinda sketchy because he was wearing black pants and a black leather jacket with black sunglasses hanging from his shirt.

"Hey Sophie. What's up?"

I shrugged my shoulders and managed to squeak out a "Hey."

"Well," Sandra chimed in. "Why don't Ms. Watson and I go talk and Austin? Can you go show Sophie to her room?"

"Sure thing," he said as he took my other suitcase from Ms. Watson.

I followed him up the stairs and into the first room on the right.

"So this is your room. Mine's next door and mom and dad's is downstairs. The bathroom is across the hall." He smiled and left me alone in my room.

I layed down on my bed until I heard the front door open and close. A short time later, Mrs. Montgomery called out, "Sophie! Come down here and meet my husband!"

I let out a small groan and picked myself up and started down the stairs. when I stepped off the last stair, I saw a tall, somewhat muscular man with dirty blonde hair and a thin beard.

"Hello Sophie," he said tightly. He reminded me of one of those people who were trying way too hard to be nice.

"Hi Mr. Montgomery"

"Oh please, call me Aaron," he said with another forced smile.

Something told me I wasn't really gonna like this guy.


So that was chapter 1!

I promise it's going to get a lot more interesting after this, I just had to get that one out of the way:)

Please comment and tell me what you think!!

And VOTE!! :)

Secrets (Austin Mahone Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt