Chapter 7

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Ch. 7


*Austin's POV*

I took another deep breath. I needed some time to think. This was getting to be too much. I just want to go back to being a regular kid and shoot hoops with my friends and play my music in my room. I'm tired of being mixed up in all these secrets.

"Austin?" Sophie asked, pulling me from my thoughts.

I hesitated. "Can you give me a minute," I asked. "Alone, please?"

"Um, yeah," She seemed unsure. "Let me know if you wanna talk about it, I guess."

I nodded as I clicked the door shut behind her. I sat down on my bed and grabbed my guitar. I began strumming a familiar and singing softly. I was hoping the music could comfort me, which it usually did. But this time it was no use. Things were too messed up.

I decided to get on my computer and check Twitter. I didn't tweet at all, but just followed some people and watched their accounts for their reactions. It brought a smile to my face. Not a forced smile, but a real one. My fans always made me smile. It never fails. They let me forget all my problems and just smile. They make me truly happy. But I knew it couldn't last forever.

I had some new direct messages to check. I scrolled through them, but only one really popped out at me. I opened it and read the message that perplexed me when I first read it, but now, it gives me chills.

Who is this woman? Michele M.

The name had floated around in my mind for some time now. I don't know why, but I just couldn't shake it.

I typed in the question that was pressing at me: 'Who are you and why do you want to talk to me?'

But I couldn't bring myself to click send. I don't know why, I really don't. I wanted to know. I did, I swear. Maybe. Ok, I was scared. I don't want to know. Everything is messed up enough, I don't need any more drama. And besides, it's probably nothing anyway. Just me being paranoid.

* * *

*Sophie's POV*

I hope he's gonna be ok. He's taking this really rough. I wish I could just take all this pain and stress from him. I feel like I caused it all, and I can't do anything to fix it.

I layed down on my bed and thought maybe I could try and take a nap. I thought maybe I could just dream all of this craziness away from our lives, that maybe I could just make it all go away.

No such luck.

I couln't push the memories away. I couldn't get those voices out of my head. Her voice. 'We've got too much on the line, we need to finish this. Now.' Her voice gave me chills. She scared me, but I had to put on an act. I had to pretend like she didn't make me want to throw up out of fear. Because I didn't want to set her off. Because I wanted to protect Austin.

Just the thought of Austin getting hurt, especially by her, made my stomach churn. Suddenly, the pain in my arm flared up. I jumped up and went to the bathroom. I examined the wound on my arm. It really didn't look that bad. I don't know what they stabbed me with, but it obviously wasn't meant to cause me to bleed to death or anything. Besides dried blood and a hole in my arm, it really didn't look that bad. But that doesn't mean it didn't hurt like hell.

I ran some water over my arm and scrubbed off the blood. Once the blood was cleared, I realized that it was still bleeding a little. I dug in the cabinet and finally pulled a roll of gauze out. i wrapped it around my arm and put a piece of tape to hold it in place.

I looked at the reflection I saw in the mirror. The girl I saw wasn't me. I still had that same plain face I've always had, but something was different. My eyes. Those eyes were so intense and dark. The innocence that was once in them was gone. They had seen and experienced things that no one should ever have to see.

Eventually, I managed to tear my gaze away from the mirror. I splashed some water over my face and dried it off.

I left the bathroom and went downstairs to the kitchen. It was quiet and I hoped it would stay that way. I really wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone.

I pulled out a glass and a carton of orange juice. As i set the cup down on the counter, I stopped. The hair on the back of my neck stood up. Something wasn't right. The cold metal on the back of my neck and the click that followed confirmed it.

"Turn around. Slowly," Mr. Montgomery growled.

I slowly did what he said.

Suddenly a pair of bony hands were around my neck, cutting off the air. Her fingers pressed into my neck as I choked for air.

"LIsten, here, Sophie," She spat my name like it was the most disgusting thing she could ever say. "If you even think about telling anything that happened to Austin, I swear to god I will break your neck with my bare hands."

Quickly, I nodded my head, causing the room to spin.

She let go and I gasped for air. But she wasn't done. She snatched my arm up and pressed her thumb deep into the wound on it. I let out a cry of pain, but she slapped her hand over my mouth.

"I mean it," she said through gritted teeth. "I am not afraid to kill you. You are nothing to me."

She gave my wound one last shot of pain that made my vision go black around the edges, and walked away with her husband.

That was nothing to her, but I am trembling with fear. It's like I'm paralyzed. I can't move, I can't breathe. I have never been this terrified in my entire life. Slowly, I began to take breaths again. I looked around and saw him standing there, his eyes wide with fear and shock.

He saw the whole thing.

He knows.



I'm so sorry for the long wait and the short chapter. It took me forever to get writing, but I hope you liked it! This was a big chapter so I hope you stick with the story and vote and comment!!!

Really though, please comment! I want to know what everyone thinks of the story so far!

What do you thinks gonna happen?


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