⊲|Chapter:5 'MY EYES SPARKLE?'|⊳

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Hi guys!

Isaac on the picture above!

Enjoy chapter 6.

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"So class, I want you all to open your books to page number 237. Look at the figure 2.1. Who can solve this question?"

I raised my hand and guess who else did? Yeah, Isaac.
"Yes, Isaac? How will you find the value of 'a'?" Mr Miller asked him, ignoring my hand.

He never asks me. I was getting impatient sitting there while Isaac kept giving wrong answers. That question was so freaking easy. To make Mr Miller, notice me, I stood up from the chair.

"I know you are very desperate to answer Miss Anderson but can't you see I'm asking Isaac here? Sit down." Mr Miller said, without even glancing at me. How did he even know I was desperate to answer.

"So...Isaac. Did you get the answer?" He repeated and Isaac started to write something on his copy.

Let his answer be wrong....

Let his answer be wrong......

Let his answer be wrong.....

"Sir, 'a' is equals to 25!" Isaac said, confident with his answer but actually he was totally wrong. His answer wasn't even near to the actual answer.

A giggle escaped my mouth, causing everyone to look at my direction. "Nooo.....Sir! He is wrong!"

"Oh My God, really? How did you figure that out Sophia?" Mr Miller said sarcastically and the class erupted into laughter. Ashamed, I looked down at my copy and worked out the solution again to confirm it. I didn't want to be embarrassed again. I got the same answer after solving the second time.

Be confident Sophia! Your answer is correct. Go on.....answer this. "Sir, I'm getting 13 as an answer." I said, my voice full of confidence. Even I was shocked of how it came out. "Yes class, Sophia's answer is correct. Now who is going to explain the sollution......" Mr Miller continued with his lecture. I twisted my neck to see Isaac's face. Oh how much I love teasing him.

The look on his face was indescribable. He was concentrating on his copy, scribbling his pencil harshly, creating a scratchy sound. Starting to pull his hair from irritation, he banged his head on the desk. He looked really cute.

What? No! No, no, no! Erase that!! Erase that!

"Okay, class. Turn to page number fort-"


AND, trouble is here!!!

"I do not allow you to sit in my class when you come fifteen minutes late."

"No problem. I'll stand." He tried to be extra smart.

"Do you realise that you are ruining your future doing all this, Carter!?" Mr Miller was using his this-is-enough look.

"Sorry, it won't happen again."

Yeah that's what he says everyday. Everyday!

The BadBoy screams trouble! Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora