⊲|Chapter:50 'FUCK.YOU.'|⊳

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Hello lovely people!

This chapter is dedicated to Sarcastic_Idiot for sticking with me all along and supporting me by voting and commenting. Love you 😘!

Anyways, I wanted to clear one thing, it's really not cool to promote your book on someone else's, what do you say? Or am I just overreacting? I'm not against promotion, but what's wrong is promoting on someone's book.

Anyways, hope you love this dramatic chapter!

Don't forget to VOTE and comment!!


Sometimes it only takes one correct move to beautify every bad thing in your life. And sometimes It only takes one wrong move to destroy every good thing in your life.

If there was still anything good about my life, it would be that no matter how guilty I felt, Carter and I were still talking. It might've got to do everything with the fact that I hadn't told him the reality yet but it was still better than Carter looking at me with hatred in his eyes and not the love that I was used to.

And that good thing was destroyed that day.

It wasn't like I didn't want Carter to know. I wanted him to know. But I was weak. I was scared of him leaving me. As much as I hate to admit it I was being extremely selfish. I was scared of the consequences of telling him the truth. And I hoped that somehow, magically the truth could be told to him and he doesn't get mad at me or change the ways he was with me.

I wanted this guilt to end by telling him, by letting him know the truth but I made wrong choices and things ended up in the most worst ways possible. He needed to know but not the way he got to know it. And I was sure that it had made him hate me completely. I was sure Carter no more wanted to be associated with me. He never wanted to do anything with me. Heck he might've never wanted to see me.

I hadn't told him yet because I had something up my mind. I had planned some way to stay with Carter but before any of it could work out Carter got to know everything. Carter got the wrong picture of things and it was a kind of picture that portrayed me as a lying, cheating, bitchy whore.

I wanted Carter to know the other day but I passed out. I woke up the next day on my bed which did nothing but confuse the hell out of me. How I came to my house was completely out of my mind. I woke up with a terrible headache which had to do with my drinking last night. Rebecca entered my room, offering me a Tylenol and a glass of water. I couldn't be more relieved.

"Rebecca, who bought me here?" I massaged my forehead as I asked.

"There was this guy named Jack, he told me you had been drinking." Rebecca answered sitting beside me on the bed. Even though my head was hurting badly I smiled, knowing that Jack really had changed. "And you were holding this," she showed me the card Josh had given me.

I took it out of her hands. "Where is Josh?"

"He is playing with his friends in the garden. Jack guy brought him home too."

"Oh." My eyes caught the wall clock and I gasped looking at the time. "It's one pm!" Jumping off my bed, I walked towards my closet.

The BadBoy screams trouble! حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن