Chapter 40 (Farid POV)

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Hey guys, here is a long awaited chapter from Farid's perspective. Let me know what you think. Don't forget to vote, comment and share!!!



After my mother's death, today was the second worst day of my life. I knew that the second Laila left the house with her luggage and the worst part was I didn't have the guts to ask her to stay. She was right, I was a coward. I didn't know what I wanted. I spent my entire life running away from commitment because I loved my independent wild life. Laila and I weren't made for each other, or at least that's what I thought when I asked her to sign our four-month marriage contract. But boy was I wrong. This girl was a kryptonite, she messed up my whole existence and I hated her for that.

I tried so hard to stay away from her, but I couldn't. I was pathetic. She turned me into a lost puppy and then she walked away as if nothing happened and everything will be back to normal. Little did she know, she couldn't be more wrong. The day Laila told me she loves me, I swear I had an anxiety attach on spot. I felt completely stunned and blacked out. I couldn't even stand to look at her and later that day when I approached her, she tagged our relationship as friends. Fuck that's the last thing I wanted to hear from her. What the fuck was she thinking.

I wanted her to be angry with me or hate me so I could feel better. But what she said before she left made things worse. It has been two hours since she has gone but I swear I am seeing her in every corner of the house. I am seeing in the kitchen cooking, in the sun room reading her favorite book, in the living room watching a movie with excitement, hell I am even seeing her in my bedroom sitting on my bed. My house has turned into a living hell since she has left. I can't stay here tonight, so I grabbed my jacket, wallet and car keys and went for a drive.

I didn't know where I was going but I knew I couldn't be alone. I wanted to talk to someone. I parked my car in front of my dad's house and walked in.

'Welcome back Farid sir, how are you?' One of dad's staff member greeted me as I made my way into the living room.

'Good' I simply answered back. I didn't care about building PR with dad's employees. I could care less what they think of me.

I stopped Mrs.Ibrahim aka my stepmother with her friends and their daughters.

'Oh Farid, you are back. How are you, my son?' Fuck could she stop pretending? She isn't my mom.

'Okay, where is Ruba?' I asked about my sister, Ruba was my step-sister but we both love and care for each other as real brother and sister.

'In her room as usual. You know how she likes being alone.' Mrs. Ibrahim was a famous socialite and she wanted Ruba to turn into a brainless bimbo but Ruba was far more intelligent to become like her mother.

I noticed how Mrs.Ibrahim's friends and their daughter were looking my way. Waiting for me to acknowledge their presence but I didn't care about them either. All of this fake. None of this was real. They were all after one thing. Becoming richer than they already were.

'Excuse me' I turned around and went upstairs to find Ruba. I knocked on her door and Ruba opened the door. Her face lightened up as soon as she saw me and jumped into my arms.

'Hey my princess' I lifted her from the ground and kissed her cheeks.

'I missed you Bhaijaan' she rested her chin on my shoulders and I carried back into her room.

'You are growing up so fast' I still remember when Ruba was born. I used to babysit her while my dad and his wife used to attend business meetings or travel abroad.

'So are you, but I don't like the beard' She said truthfully which made me laugh. Children were so honest and pure. They didn't hide their feelings. No wonder people say one of the most beautiful things about a person is its honesty and sincerity. Laila had all these qualities. I snapped out of my imagination and focused back on Ruba.

'How is Laila baji?' Ruba asked as we sat on her bed.


'Why didn't you bring her?' She asked again.

'She left'

'When is she coming back?'

'I don't think she'll be coming back'

'You want her to come back?' Since when did Ruba turn into a counsellor.

'I don't know Ruba' I felt nervous talking about Laila with Ruba for some reason. Maybe that's because I knew I couldn't lie to Ruba.

'Do you miss her?'

I nodded.

'Then that means you want her to come back' She gave me her judgement and I looked at her.

'Maybe I miss her because we spent a lot of time together, and after a while, I won't miss her' I tried to explain it to her, more like explaining myself.

She stayed quiet.

'Why do you think I want her back?' I asked Ruba.

'Because when you left from here, I missed you and I wanted you to come back. I didn't miss you because you spent a lot of time with me. I missed you because I love you Bhaijaan' She grabbed her teddy bear and hugged it.

'I am sorry I left, I asked you to come with me though' I patted her head.

'Yes but then I would have missed mom and dad' She smiled and I chuckled. She was adorable.

'What do you think about Laila, Ruba?'

'I like her, she cares about you'

'Yeah how do you know that?' I didn't know where I was going with this conversation but I was feeling a lot better than usual. I was so used to Laila being around me and today after she left, I felt completely out of proportion.

'On my birthday, when she brought my birthday cake with her friend. She saved the last piece of my cake so you can eat it because you were so busy that day that you didn't get to eat the cake so when I was playing with my friends she asked about you and when I told her where you were she went to find you' Ruba's clear response answered a lot of my unknown questions.

Even when I was a jerk to her, Laila still cared about me not because she wanted to make an impression on me. She cared about me because she was nice. She cared about everyone, even the people who treated her like dirt and I was one of them. She didn't treat me differently or gave me special treatment like the rest of my friends and family members did because she didn't care about my status or financial standing. All this time I thought I was out of her reach but the truth was it's her who was out of my reach and no matter how much I try; I would never be as good as her.

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