16) D o n t L e t M e D o w n

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Shoutout to the U.K. fandom! You guys are amazing and have been so very engaged right from the start for this book, It's amazing! I think my next U.K. destination to visit would be Wales, any other suggestions, loves? I love you guys and thank you for making up a whole 5% of my readership! <3

< I n c o m i n g   C a l l >

<C a l e b>

"Caleb? Is everything okay?"

"Hello to you too."

"Caleb, you are supposed to be with your team right now, the match starts in less than an hour!"

"Relax, I know."

"Seriously though, why are you calling me?"

"I just wanted to make sure that you are coming."

"Of course I am, I was going to leave in another 10 minutes."

"What is your seat number?"

"1A I guess, why?"

"Just curious."

"Caleb, whats wrong?"

"Nothing I just...I am a bit nervous for the game, the coach changed my position to striker."

"Tha-thats great! I mean wow, you're playing forward with Gregg?"

"Yeah...its easy for him, he's the star already."

"Hey, your anxiety is understandable. Gregg learnt how to handle it, you will too."

"Hopefully, just be there in front of my eyes please."

"I have the first seat, where else would I be?"

"Thanks. I need you right now, don't let me down, okay?"

"Love the originality."


"...........Gregg's going to kick your ass."

"It'll be worth it. See you soon babe."

"Laters White."



The excitement of the crowd was rising with every passing minute, the cheers, the sneers and the exhilaration of a close game had everyone hooked. Judy could not take her eyes off the ball and its current possessor;the hazel eyed boy she'd become so fond of. She examined him thoroughly, the way his eyebrows creased when the ball was with the opponent team, the way he swept his hair to the side when it distracted him and most of all-the way he skilfully tackled and ran with the ball when he possessed it.

"Caleb! Caleb! Caleb!"

The crowd chanted the name she had come to love. She smiled and shut her eyes, silently praying that he scored. In a flash of a moment the crowd around her jumped and shouted incoherent wordings, and her smile soon turned into an infectious grin. She rushed towards the railing, her eyes searching for the person who was the reason behind all the commotion.

Caleb couldn't believe that he finally got to score after two assists, he got to score all right-but he got to score the winning goal. He was currently being hauled up by his teammates, and the exhilaration of victory was radiating of him. As soon as the excitement subsided a bit, his eyes searched for the girl who seemed to occupy his mind these days, they soon landed on those similar green eyes and he felt his grin return.

He jogged towards the railing, ignoring all the congratulatory shouts of the girls swooning over him. Taking off his shirt he winked towards Judaline whose eyes had grown wide and a crimson colour had taken over her cheeks. He stopped in front of her, and without any warning picked her up from the other side to bring her next to him. Putting her down he swooped his jersey around her neck, and gave her a sheepish grin.

"Caleb!" she blushed, never did she think that she would be the object of curiosity of so many eyes.

"Hey sunshine."

"Why did you do that?"

"I wanted you to be here, with me."

"Oh. So...Congratulations star."

He laughed and shook his head, holding her hand in his and walking towards a curious Gregg.

"I want you to come with me to the victory party."

Judaline didn't know what to say, it's not like she hadn't been invited for those before, of course Gregg would have. She just never wanted to go, it was not exactly her ideal place to be.

"Please Judy, I want to spend time with you."


"So are you guys like official now?" 

Caleb and Judaline looked towards Gregg and just shook their heads,

"Gregg shutup!"

"Not yet Captain!"

Gregg laughed at Judy's gaping mouth, and then proceeded to walk towards the other teammates.



"Stop that."

"Stop what?"

"You know what."

'No sweety I don't."


"For you? Always."



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So how was this chapter? Any comments?

So should I continue these dialogue series? With Gregg or Oliver maybe?


I post aesthetics, behind the scene stuff about Caleb & Judy plus quotes and other fun things! (Also, some pretty mean banners and confessions about my characters.) Also, you can keep updated on my personal things as well as ask me questions if you'd like! <3

Follow the instagram handle: https://www.instagram.com/skyewritesthat/




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