Chapter Forty-Four

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The dimmed light in the room was making the dress sparkle as the little sequins moved with my movements. I traced my hand over the bold yet elegant cleavage admiring the different colors from the dress.

"You look amazing!" Kate beamed at me as she finished the last touches on her makeup.

I smiled at her, "You too." It was true. She looked great. Her blond long hair was cascading down her shoulders and the knitted grey dress she was wearing fitted her perfectly. "Thank you for doing this."

Kate blushed. "Don't mention it."

Laughing, I added smirking, "What you have to do for friends in need, right?"

Kate rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue at me making her look much younger. She was a wreck of nerves since we asked her and Scott (Hugh's cousin) to cover for us. They were supposed to go out on a date and leave at the front door where the fifty paparazzi were already parked outside while Scott and I left from my mom's back door. Tonight was the ball and since last night at the orphanage the paparazzi had doubled. Kate was really excited to go out with Scott and he seemed to be pleased as well, so I was happy playing matchmaker. Not that they weren't going to go out soon. They had been texting for the last few days. Let's say we just speeded the whole thing.

Sean was waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs. He looked at me apologetically. "Scott's already waiting at the car. The streets are packed with photographers, I told him to wait for you there."

"It's ok, Sean, why do you look worried?"

"Because he missed your grand entrance" His grey eyes sparkled with humor as I smiled nervously at him.

More paparazzi?

Actually the paparazzi were the least of my concerns. Scott's whole family was going to be there. I wasn't even sure how to address them properly...or what title did they have...

Oh God...

Sean waited by the door after talking through that weird thing that he was wearing on his ear while I was panicking ignoring my Mom's encouraging words. I think she might have said something along the lines of how beautiful the dress was and that I should enjoy myself, but I wasn't really paying attention. My hands were sweaty and my heart was plummeting inside of me so hard that it felt like it might explode at any second. After a moment Sean opened the door. I stood rooted to my spot completely wide-eyed. Exasperated, he grabbed my hand and literally pulled me to the car. Not even three steps later, a herd of paparazzi were almost invading Mom's backyard. He swore and pretty much ran to the car.

"Hey beautiful" Scott's deep voice sounded from within. I was too freaked out by the whole situation that I didn't registered that he was holding me and the car was moving after a few seconds.

"Hi" I said shyly as I recollected myself. I pulled apart to take a good look at him and I couldn't help but gawk at him. He was looking incredibly handsome. His hair was gelled to the back and he was wearing an elegant black tuxedo. His chiseled features were more prominent than usual, due to the hairstyle and when my eyes finally found his lips he was smiling at me smugly.

My eyes had ran all over him. So what? I was entitled to.

Fighting the urge to roll my eyes, I straightened my back and leaned back on my seat as proudly as anyone who had been caught drooling over her boyfriend can.

 "Like what you see?"

This time I did roll my eyes. "Stop looking so smugly." Straightening my dress I added, "You haven't told me anything about my looks."

"That's because you were a little preoccupied at the time to notice his chin on the floor as you entered the car..." Sean said. You could hear the teasing on the tone of his voice. Scott glared at him. When he noticed me smiling at him he grabbed my hand possessively, "I was at least more inconspicuous than you, Em."

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