Expecting the Unexpected...

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...expecting the unexpected...

Being pregnant was one of the best things that had ever happened in my life. Knowing that you're carrying a human being inside of you is the most exhilarating feeling in the whole wide world. Words fall short while describing how you feel...

You feel different. You seem different. 

You're radiant. 

Your hair is softer, your skin is clearer and there's an inexplicable glint in your eyes that makes you look prettier. 

In other words, you feel blessed

I loved it. 

There was just one small itsy bitsy fluke in the whole equation. 

Well...a few, actually...

You just overlooked them because being pregnant was such an amazing thing...but when you were going through one of them...let's just say that you didn't feel that grand...at least for a few minutes...or hours, depending...

This morning was a clear example of it.

As soon as my eyes fluttered open, my mouth started salivating and my stomach churned. I had the irrevocable urge to run to the bathroom and throw up like if my life depended on it. Mom had told me to have some salt crackers by the bed, along with a small bottle of sparkling water and eat something as soon as I woke up. 

It had been two weeks since the nauseas started and it still hadn't worked.

I got up clutching my belly with one hand and clasping my mouth with the other. My feet moved slowly to the nearest door. A bright ray of light glowed from the bottom of the door. Frowning, I cautiously opened the door. I hadn't heard Scott waking up so early. To be honest, I hadn't even looked at his side of the bed. 

Morning sickness sucked. Big time...

As the door opened, I couldn't help but smile beneath the palm of my hand. My adorable husband was hugging the toilet. He was a bit sweaty and utterly pale. Scott raised his head as I opened the door. He seemed even sicker than me.  

Blinking at the sight of him, I couldn't help myself and I burst out laughing at him. 

It wasn't a bright idea. Less than a second later, I had to literally push him to the side because I had to relive my squirming stomach. Heaving, I felt him grabbing the hair out of my face as I threw up for what seemed the longest moment. 

"This sucks..." his voice was unusually raspy as he helped me get up. Each of us grabbed our toothbrush and started the now familiar routine of mouth washing after puking our hearts out. 

"Just two more weeks, Scotty boy" I said after I washed my mouth. 

Scott smiled while holding his stomach, "Oh...God...I really hope so...I don't think I can keep barfing anymore..." 

I chuckled once more and my eyes widened as I felt sick once again.  

My clothes were starting to feel much looser. According to my doctor, this was pretty usual, she told me to enjoy it because as soon as my belly started to swell up, I would have other symptoms...

I really didn't want to think about them right now... 

After cleaning myself up; I returned to bed where Scott was staring at the ceiling. He had slipped his hands behind his head and was clearly thoughtful. The bed deepened with the weight of my body and he glanced at me with a megawatt smile on his face. He pulled me close to him and I snuggled smiling and remembering Christmas Eve. 

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