Chapter Forty-Six

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Cell phone...check.

Pepper spray (Hugh's idea)...check.

"Is your battery charged?" My best friend huffed as we hurried down the large gray corridor. A few people turned our way and most of them turned away uninterested. An old lady and what I assumed was her granddaughter started gossiping after I passed them...either I was becoming paranoid or people were starting to spot me in a crowd...


"Are you absolutely sure?"

"Yes. Hugh. For the fiftieth time. I am quite positive that it's charged" I placed the said object in front of his face trampling in my own feet doing so, "see?"

Hugh pushed it away. "Ok, ok. I might be a little jumpy, but it's the adrenaline from escaping Robin..." he brushed the few strands of hair that were blocking his eyes, "which was bloody exciting, I might add." His green eyes sparkled mischievously.

I cracked up a smile at that. "Says the guy who was driving and could breathe clean air..."

Hugh smirked. "I am full of great ideas, you know? You are quite lucky to have such an awesome best friend as my- OUCH! What was that for?" He rubbed the back of his head where I had just slapped him.

"It was my idea in the first place!" I pulled the small backpack strip up my shoulder, "you just added a few minor details! And bloody nasty little details I might add" I glowered at my stupid best friend who was laughing at me.

Three days ago, when I returned from Buckingham Palace, after that awful semi-fight with Scott, I had explained to Hugh what had happened at the library with the Queen and how awful and helpless I had felt and that I needed to do something.

I needed to go the source and sort things out.


I wanted to meet with Sam.

Hugh freaked out telling me for numerous times how stupid it really was, seeing how the guy was obviously psychotic or something like that, but being a good friend like he always had been, he agreed to help me.

Therefore, we were now running through the airport because we were late for my flight to Paris. Hugh had planned the whole get away from the house without raising suspicions from the bodyguard plan. I know. It was the longest and dumbest plan name, but Hugh was pretty excited about the whole thing, so I let him plan away.

The reason behind the running late was that a few things had been unexpected, like the fact that Hugh's fiat was too small for me to fit in the back, where we had planned me to hide, so in a last minute thinking, he came out with the bright idea of putting several clothes on top of me. His genius plan was to get out of the house to do laundry. Anyway, the pile of things kept falling off me and I had to literally grab a few ones to keep them hiding me. One minor detail: they were dirty clothes. I almost had a fit when a smelly one fell near my face. Hugh almost crashed at that, he was laughing hard at me, and we lost precious minutes over the rambling woman he had almost hit.

We finally arrived at the security gates. As I turned to kiss Hugh goodbye, he's green eyes were now watching me concerned. He grabbed me by the arm before asking "Are you sure that talking to him is the best thing to do?"

"I don't know Hugh." I shrugged, "but I have to do something."

He nodded, "I'm going to wait for you here. If something happens, anything, you get back on the next plane, ok?"

I smiled at him. "I'm going to be fine." Gently, I pulled away from him, "that's why we're meeting at the airport, in a very public café."

Doubts crossed his face before he smiled at me, "Just come back in one piece or your boyfriend is going to kill me."

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