Chapter 16

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"Good morning everyone" a loud feminine voice calls,

I look up seeing a girl dressed in a pink dressing gown descending the stairs. She was average height, with golden blond hair tied up in pig-trails and a large mischievous smile plastered on her face as she jumped the last few steps.

"Did you filthy dogs, save me some food" she asks without hesitation

I am shocked at her words I would never have the audacity to call the two Alpha's that, Connor and Jake both growl at her words but she seems unfazed by their actions. It suddenly dawns on me that this girl must be their sister, as she walks towards us, her gaze finally falls on me.

"Flicker" she voices informally as she runs towards me, her smile growing wider than I originally thought possible.

Jake and Connor take their hands out from under my dress and I release an audible breath of relief which causes their frowns to deepen.
I hop off the stool as she envelopes me in a warm and fierce hug. Her hands accidentally dig into my skin causing me to wince.

"Oops sorry" she says as she releases me, her gaze travelling from the wounds on my ankles to my neck.

"Wow. My brothers really did hurt you" she says indifferently as she walks around the bench to get food but Jake's hand reaches out grabbing her arm keeping her in place"

"Cassidy, you may be our sister, but you don't have the power to disrespect us. We're your Alpha" His voice is strained and I notice that Jake is struggling to stay in control, his eyes flickering between black and blue.

I watch fascinated by their interaction and terrified for Cassidy's fate, her wolf is also present fighting fiercely for control. Finally she bows her head, defeated. Jake gives a nod of approval and releases her hand.

The room is cast into an uncomfortable silence. Hopping back onto the stool, I keep my eyes downcast as I continue to eat my pancakes which are now stone cold

"Flicker, are you free today?" Cassidy says as she scavengers the cupboards for food.

I'm about to respond when she opens her mouth

"Of course your free" she laughs, "Today I'm going to take you around the village, introduce you to the pack members"

It sounded like a good idea, if I was staying here indefinitely I might as well start meeting the pack members.

"Absolutely not" Connor says his voice loud and clear. "Flicker you need to rest, you need to stay in the house until you have fully recovered" His voice is soft but I still feel disappointed.

"I understand Alpha" my voice is detached and emotionless

I sense that Connor and Jake are using the pack link to communicate with each other about my new attitude. I wait for their comment about it but surprisingly they keep quiet.

"Cassidy, after breakfast mother wanted your help, she said something to do with training the pups" Jake informs her, she lets out a long exasperated sigh while rolling her eyes.

"Cassidy" Connor says sternly, his eyebrows raised in warning

"Yes, yes. I know, my attitude is not appreciated. I'm leaving now " she walks out of the room taking all the happiness and joy with her.

I continue staring down at my breakfast, waiting in a submissive position for the Alpha's next order.

"Flicker" Connor says, lifting my chin so it is level with his eyes. "We've got some pack business to deal with. We expect you to be resting while we're away. Understood"

"But, but" I say but stop when Jakes eyes narrows.

"We just want you to rest Flicker, we need you to get better"

I know I need to rest, but for me to get better you need to stay close to me, not finish off pack business I think.
However instead of externalising my thoughts, I bow my head and bare my neck in a symbol of respect, there would be no point in talking, they wouldn't listen anyway.

I hop off the stools as Jake heads towards the door but Connor lingers close to me, I can feel his gaze on me. Out of the corner of my eye I watch as Connor's head slowly leans in towards mine.
As he gets closer, my body becomes paralysed with fear as I realise that he wants to kiss me.
My hands begin to shake slightly, I didn't want him to kiss me, I didn't love him. I can feel his breath fanning my check but at the last second he catches Jake's small shake of his head and immediately backs away, heading towards the door.

"We'll be back at 6:00 Flicker." Jake pauses for a moment his body halfway out the door. "Don't leave the house" he says before closing the door shut.

My whole body relaxes as I release a breath I didn't know I was holding, my hands begin to massage my forehead as I try to think of a way to keep myself occupied for the next few hours.
I didn't know how long it was going to take me to fall into this position of being completely inferior to them. Was I always going to be this terrified. I glance around the kitchen surprisingly feeling lonely without no one to talk to.

"Oh Emma, I miss you so much"

I wait for her reply but there is still silence on the other end. Sighing I walk out of the kitchen into the expensively furnished lounge, the couches were placed in a circular pattern around the 70 inch plasma TV. Everything in here screamed money and wealth.

I head towards the couch when my vision begins to blur slightly, I start blinking but it only makes it worse.
I grip the end of the couch as a wave of dizziness hits me, not having enough balance or energy to walk another step, I feel myself falling as my back slides down against the back of the couch until I hit the floor.
My head had begun to feel heavy as the feeling of nausea begins to creep up inside me. I place me head against the cold, hard floor trying to regain some energy but to no avail.

The last thing I think of before closing my eyes is the doctors words which echo in my head, "Alpha's you will need to continually stay close to Flicker to allow her to heal efficiently" before I black out entirely.

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