Chapter 20

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Author's note
Sorry for the really long wait
Hope you like it

Chapter 20

"The pancakes were delicious, thank you Marilyn" I say as she takes my plate away. Cassidy was sitting next to me, still eating.

"Would you like anything else to eat Flicker"

"No, I'm fine but a glass of water would be great"

She nods and in an instant a glass of water is front of me, I take a sip,

"So where are my stupid moronic Alpha brothers this morning" she states matter of factly.

I splutter, choking on my water as I stare with her in shock, how could she call them that, I would probably be sent back to the cells. The thought sends a shiver down my spine.

"Are you okay" Cassidy asks as she places her hand on my arm in a comforting gesture.

Swallowing, I make sure the water has all gone,

"How can you say that", my voice drops to a whisper, "Won't you get in trouble"

"Maybe, they've always threatened but never actually went through with it"

She pauses for a moment, thinking of the possibility before she shakes her head clearing the thought.

"My brothers weren't always like this" Cassidy says, I look at her confused I can't imagine the two Alpha's being any different than they were now.

"You need to understand that their wolves play a significant part in their attitude and personality"

I'm about to interrupt but she places her hand up and I close my mouth.

"Up until the age of fifteen, I looked up to my brothers, admired them even" she pauses for a moment a faint smile playing on her lips as she remembers. "But that all changed when Dad and Mum backed down from their position as Alpha and Luna, their wolves became entirely dominant.

Her face falls and she avoids eye contact with me, instead staring at her half-eaten plate of pancakes.

"My brothers, wait no" she pauses shaking her head, "their wolves Jake and Ryder, wanted me to obey their every command, like I was some lowly servant she-wolf instead of their sister" She sighs , playing with the pancakes on her plate.

"The rest of the pack were happy to obey their every whim, they were their new Alpha's, but I don't know, I guess I expected a different type of leadership under my brothers, I expected them to show compassion and mercy. Instead they rule by inciting fear and terror. It's why we're the strongest pack in America, it why no one dares to challenge their authority.

Cassidy looks up at me, meeting my gaze, "All I'm saying Flicker is that Jake and Connor are actually decent mates, but it's their wolves that are possessive, their wolves control them. I'm asking as our new Luna, if you can try and change that, if you can try and prevent their wolves from taking complete control.

I'm about to reply, when I hear a rush of feet coming down the stairs.

"Flicker's escaped again, we're going out to find her" Jake shouts from the stairs the anger and irritation barely concealed in his voice.

I'm about to hop off my stool and find them but they already entered the kitchen. The two Alpha's don't notice me at first, too caught up in their thoughts, an angry and almost dangerous look swept across their faces.
I feel my energy increasing with just their presence, sometimes I couldn't believe the way they affected me.

"She's right here you morons" Cassidy announces and once again I'm under their intense scrutiny.
They're still breathing heavily as their onyx coloured eyes pierce mine before gazing over my body.
I slowly push myself off the chair as I approach the two alpha's like a person would approach a stray dog, slowly carefully and cautiously.

My Twin MatesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora