Chapter 34

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Author's Note

Sorry this is a short one


Chapter 34

The word heat echoes on repeat in my head as I feel every cell in my body burning up. I cry out as fire begins to spread through my veins.

"I've got you Flicker" Connor soothes as he gently picks me up.

My body responds to him immediately, acting on its own accord to press itself closer to Connor. The heat was taking over body, controlling it, causing me to crave my mates touch.

"Take her up to the bedroom" Jake orders and I whimper as I lose sight of Jake, I couldn't bare being away from either of them.

Connor runs up the stairs kicking open the door, once in the room he places me gently on the bed. Pain lances through my body again as I lose contact with Connor. I reach out gripping his hand, his touch providing a welcoming relief,  soothing the flames ready to devour me.

"I want you" I say to Connor as I begin ripping off his t-shirt. He uses his teeth to tear through my clothing taking it off in one go.

I don't have the energy to look but I feel Jake's presence as he steps into the room. He walks into my line of vision and I notice that he's shirtless as well.

The fire inside me strikes again and I whimper in pain.

Jake hops onto the bed leaning over me, concern and lust deep in his eyes. 

"Do you trust us Flicker" Jake asks as he looks down at me asking permission.

I stare up at him, love clear in my eyes as I say

"Yes, completely"


I wake up next to the Alpha's stark naked. I was surprised that they weren't up yet as I stare at the morning sun glaring through the window.

"Shit" I mutter as realisation dawns on me, we had slept all through yesterday.

I hop off the bed grabbing the sheet to cover myself, despite everything that happened I still wasn't comfortable with the Alpha's seeing me fully naked.

My lower part of my body ached as I stepped into the bathroom heading towards the shower. I still couldn't believe what happened yesterday. I rest my hand over my stomach as I let the hot water cascade down massaging the knots in my skin, soon there would be a baby in my stomach.

My thoughts swirled with the idea, but I don't think any of us were ready for that, not yet anyway.

I finish washing myself before stepping out of the shower, the steam quickly escaping.

Wrapping myself with the towel I walk to the closet.

Jake and Connor are awake as I step out, their whispering to each other but stop suddenly as I enter. I narrow my eyes at them but can't be bothered inquiring about their whispering.

"How are you feeling" Connor asks concerned

"Okay" I murmur, a blush creeps up my cheeks as I remember yesterday, I shake my head trying to clear my thoughts, "What are our plans for today" I ask trying to change the subject.

"Not much, we still have the issue of housing to discuss with Cassidy and that mate of hers" Jake says. "But we have time to head back to bed" he adds suggestively, a grin playing on his face

My lips twitch with the thought but we had already wasted a whole day,

"We have more important things to do Jake" I scold him, watching as his face drops, "But maybe tonight"

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