What About Now?: 10.

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                I watched Hanna as she went off to get Jolene, the vodka I’d just downed burned through my throat and I immediately registered the feeling to one I’d been getting into class: Urgency. Because I felt the urge, the burning sensation in my throat, to kiss Hanna whenever I saw her, especially when we were in class. I put the empty class on the table.

                “Well,” Toby said, ruffling a hand through his hair. “I didn’t think you’d be one to break the law out of the three of us. I always thought it was me, personally, and then maybe Angie if she killed her kids.”

                “What?” I asked, wondering what he was talking about although in fairness I was only half concentrating because I was still looking at Hanna as she whispered something into Jolene’s ear.

                “Well if Theo actually knocked something valuable over this time then Angie will get mad. I reckon she’d probably try and sell him on the streets or something.”

                “What are you on about?” I asked, finally turning back to him.

                “You. And that Hanna girl. You’re breaking the law, you know that?”

                Narrowing my eyes and shaking my head I spoke. “No. Because we’re not doing anything. We’re not dating, and haven’t been for a long time. Hanna is not sixteen and so even if I did date her as her teacher then—”

                “Then you’d go to jail.”

                “I won’t go to jail.” I said firmly. “Toby it’s not illegal, she’s over sixteen. It’s just frowned upon. I might lose my job if we ever did get back together and the college found out but stop talking about it. You’re not making the situation any better.”

                “Whatever…” Toby muttered. “It’s what makes you happy, isn’t it?”

                “Oh,” Hanna’s girly laugh filled my years. “There’s twelve here. That’s cool. Three rounds. See who wins.”

                “Yeah,” I replied, putting a smile on my face and forgetting my conversation with Toby. It wasn’t worth having. He didn’t understand anything that went on between me and Hanna. How could he? He wasn’t in my situation. I kept the empty vodka glass next to me.

                Toby seemed to be doing the same thing because he laughed as well and handed each of the girls a drink. “Ready for the first round?”

                “Oh course.” Hanna grinned.

                “I can drink you all under the table, don’t worry.”

                Toby gave Jolene a challenging look at she flicked her auburn hair over her shoulder. “Is that so?”


                “Yeah Jolene practically lives to party. Seriously.” Hanna said, winking at her friend. Jolene, who over the last fifteen hadn’t seemed to have said much seemed to have cheered up, even if she wasn’t off to a party straight away.

                “We will soon see about that!” Toby said determinably, picking up a vodka shot. He pretended to shove one towards me and then grinned. “Ready? O—”

                “Hey, Toby!” Nelson shouted from the door, the others from the quiz in-front of him, half in and half out of the building.

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