Chapter 10

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Meanwhile in Ava's old pack.............


I had these dreams. They weren't anything really. My parents thought they meant something, but I would draw them out and they'd just be of some weird pictures that meant nothing to me. They paintings were a mess as were my jumbled dreams.

I was headed to Ava's house, where I would find myself going more than I thought I would have. Ava's parents always asked me if I knew if Ava was acting weirdly before she ran away. Ava is my best friend. What ticked me off the most is she seriously couldn't have called me while running away? We both could've ran away together.

I smirked at the thought, but I knew Ava was probably in some serious crap. And what sucked is that I can't help her at all.

 They said she was charged for treason? I almost laughed when Beta Tim announced that. Ava? For treason? Ava's idea of "bad" was trespassing some old abandoned warehouse. Which I make her do from time to time.

The only thing that made me sane in this mess of a pack was going to Ava's room. It felt better than home. Way better.

Ava's room was on the ground floor of her house, and she would always leave it unlocked in case I ever came.

I opened her window, and entered her room, my wolf and I instantly missing our best friend.

Ava's room was so her. One time I jokingly bought Ava a poster of pizza, and she has it now hanging on her walls, filled with other movie posters she loved. Mainly, superhero films she obsessed over.

"Hmph," I smiled, looking around her room, and looking at her unmade bed. I wanted to take a picture of it, and sent it to Ava, but I think I lost my phone somewhere in the house. I shook my head and froze when I smelled Lisa.

She walked in Ava's room and stared at me. Lisa walked in, and closed her sister's door, sitting on the bed. 

Lisa's lips curled at me. "Don't you wear anything but black?"

I shrugged at her. I never liked Miss Prim and Proper all that much. The only reason I tolerated her was because she was Ava's sister. "You never know Lisa- when I'd have to go to your funeral."

Lisa gave me an eye roll, then sighed. "Julia, you think Ava's safe?"

I almost groaned. I don't want this heart to heart with her at all. "If you know anything about Ava, it's she probably is laying it low and she can be resourceful sometimes." I remember we went camping with our class of 20 wolves and we both got lost, but somehow Ava knew the way around and she learned some weird stuff on how to get food. She does watch too much TV.

Lisa gives me a look that's filled with sadness. "I wanted to find her, you know."

I did too, but that would be the stupidest thing especially when I knew and we all knew the entire pack was watching us. It was no secret who Ava was close to. Alpha Trent might look stupid, but his soldiers were watching Ava's entire family and my family. As if any of us would try to see Ava.

"Who knows, she probably is living the luxury life somewhere in Hawaii and found her mate already," I joked.

Lisa scoffed, "Who would even be Ava's mate?"

This is what I never got. Lisa sometimes thought Ava was beneath her, and demeaned her in ways. It pissed me off. Lisa was her sister, for crying out loud. I don't know anything about how siblings worked, but I always thoughts siblings were supposed to be supportive of each other and not jealous. Ava looked up to Lisa too.

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