Chapter 14

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Alpha Derek lunged at Lance.

Lance easily dodged it, just sidestepping it as if he expected it.

"Derek," the Luna reprimands him, but he was breathing heavily facing Lance with nothing but anger. Just in case anything happened, I took a step forward, feeling brave because Lance is there, and he'd protect me. I hope. Bo is beside me though and he's surprisingly quite. I take a peek at him and he's being all professional like. I guess if worse came to worse, then Bo could help me.

"You took our daughter from us!" Alpha Derek snarls, trying to come at Lance again, but Cole steps in front, stopping Derek short on his attack.

"We have no idea what you're talking about," Cole takes a step in front of Lance, as if to protect him.

"Wait!" I exclaim. Everyone's eyes turn to me. Momentarily, I forgot what I was going to say. But it couldn't be possible, could it? I look at the Luna, trying to ignore everyone's stares at me. "Is she about five months old?"

"You did take her!" Alpha Derek took a threatening step forward, his hands balled up tightly about to attack again. This guy needed to chill, but I understood where his anger is coming from.

"Derek listen," his Luna snaps at him, tugging his arm, and she's looking at me, ever so calmly, but I see a hint of anger in her eyes. "Why do you guys have our daughter?"

"We're just keeping her because a Rogue randomly handed her to us," I explain trying so hard for my voice not to shake. "So, we obviously have been trying to track down the Rogue to see what is up because Hope needs her mom."

Luna Melissa smiles a little. "Her name is Edith." I blink. Edith, huh?

"That's such a pretty name," I compliment. The Luna gives me a warm smile, nodding.

"A Rogue?" Derek snarls, seeming to calm down as Melissa rubs his arms.

"So it's all a misunderstanding," another guy from the back says, waving at us all. I'm guessing he is the Beta.

"No one asked you," Bo rolls his eyes.


Melissa is tasked to get her pup while Lance and Derek had to do some "business" talk or whatever.

I lead Melissa into Edith's room.

"This is so nice," Melissa gushes at the baby room that we painted pink. "Sorry about Derek. We've been searching for our daughter for a while now, and we're both really tired. I don't think we've had a good night rest in weeks." Melissa picks up Hope, or Edith,  from her crib and Edith seems to recognize her mother- something about baby instincts I suppose. Melissa hugs Edith a little tightly.

"No, it's totally fine," I wave it off. "I too would probably go a little crazy if my child went missing." Edith is currently clapping her hands, and  I make a pout to Edith, leaning in to kiss her tiny fingers.

"I'll miss you little baby," I say in baby talk. Melissa laughs.

"If you like babies so much you and Lance can-"

"Oh my gosh!" I cut her off. "NO. We haven't even..." we haven't even done anything.

Melissa raises an eyebrow, "Trouble with Lance?"

"Uh," I shrug, shaking my head, "we haven't even like held hands yet."

Melissa's eyebrows go up. "Really?"

"I don't think he even really likes me that much," I admit. I should probably shut up now, but it's hard not to. She has an Alpha as a mate. Maybe she knows a thing or two. "I'm not that attractive." He's surrounded with beautiful people- ehem- Grace. Then there's me. I really don't dress to impress. Julia laughs at me for it.

The Demon Alpha (Stryders #1) - PUBLISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now