Chapter 12

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 The quote was just poking fun at the dumb saying......... And if you are a Trump supporter please reconsider your life choices.

Anyways carry on.




"What will we do?" Cole is pacing around the room, his face full of concern.  Lance, Bo, Meg and I are either sitting on a couch or chairs in the Alpha's office, watching him as he's thinking this bright and early morning. Luckily, I drank my coffee already so I'm kind of awake, plus we didn't have to train today. "Paxon will not take this lightly. Then you have Rogues to worry about." My heart lurches. There are so many things that are going wrong- and guess what? I feel guilty. I bought this upon them.

"The first thing we should do is go to Paxon and talk to him about it," Lance answers. "Everyone knows he's still in mourning over his mate." Lance casts a quick glance in my direction, but averts his gaze really quickly. 

"Isn't Vanessa's brother Paxon's Beta? What's his name? Sargon or something?" Bo mentions. "I think he's more clear headed right now."

"We know Paxon will want blood," Cole stops pacing and rubs a hand over his chin. "Should we tell him to just exact revenge on Steven alone instead of causing a war?"

"Trent will definitely do something," I add. My former shifty Alpha would do something stupid. "Which may cause war."

"And if Paxon kills Steven......" Bo trails off. "Where does that leave his pack? You saw his ugly mug Beta, he'll do something too."

I groan out loud. This is so complicated. Seeing Paxon would be hard and for him to see reason would be harder.

"The real question," Meg speaks up now, and she looks like she thought a lot about it, "is if Steven will accept the challenge. The laws of the Alphas state clearly if someone kills your mate, you can have trial and put said person to your prison, and the Alphas in the last Council meet agreed to death. Steven will have to accept it, and Trent will have to accept his cousin's death if it happens."

"That law also says that it has to be a fair fight," Lance includes. "If Trent tries anything, then Steven is breaking the law."

"As if Steven even gave a crap about any law when he killed Vanessa," Bo snorts.

"Trent will definitely be there if it happens," Cole says. "Which means we'll have to be there when it happens too."

I did not want to be in this. Is it too much to ask for if I want to live the commoner wolf life?

"What about the Rogues?" Bo changes the subject. We would just be going in circles with this Paxon situation.

"Lance doesn't hate Rogues like other Alphas obsess about," Meg says. "Who knows what the Rogues are planning because Lance has never done anything to them. They usually have their self interest."

"You think there's something more deep than just a war coming?" Cole asks, stopping and looking at Meg.

After they all break because it's getting really late, before I leave "Ava may I speak with you?" Lance asks, his piercing blue eyes meet my gaze. How Lance says my name should be illegal. It's so hot. How can him saying my name be hot? How can someone's voice be hot? That doesn't even make sense, but his deep baritone makes me want him to read a phone book out loud. Please just let me melt on the floor.

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