Fancy Yourself a Miracle Worker

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Fancy Yourself a Miracle Worker

"PLATFORM 9¾ - I BLOODY LOVE YOU!" shouted Sirius, waving his arms about as he spun the trolley at King's Cross Station. He grinned as Bubo squawked from her cage, balancing on top of Sirius and James's trunks on the trolley cart.

"Careful for that owl!" cried Dora Potter, "Don't go tipping her over..."

Remus was pushing along his and Peter's trunks on their own trolley and shaking his head at Sirius's shouting as James took over the pushing of the trolley, per his mum's signal as Sirius ran ahead 'round the bend to where he could see the scarlet steam engine. "HOGWARTS EXPRESS - I BLOODY LOVE YOU!!" Several students looked up from their chore of pushing their own trolleys along and glared at Sirius's noisiness. "ANNOYED HOGWARTS STUDENTS - I EVEN BLOODY LOVE YOU LOT!"

Remus pushed his cart up alongside Sirius. "You know, all this love you're giving out - a boyfriend might get jealous."

"REMUS JOHN LUPIN -- I LOV--" Sirius started, but Remus cut him off, covering his mouth.

"Oi. Shut it, you git," he said, but he was smiling even as he did it and Sirius froliced onward along the platform, his face aglow.

It was 1 September and the students of Hogwarts were, once again, boarding the train, getting ready for a term. Other than Sirius, however, Platform 9¾ was fairly quiet, the usual hubbub and chaos was far more refined than it had ever been before and James looked around uneasily. Many of the younger kids were clinging to their mums and dads, looking more terrified than they normally would, while parents were sticking closer to their older kids, looking around suspiciously, whispering adamant instructions to behave and stay out of trouble this term. Stay alert,they whispered, Tell somebody if you see anything suspicious. Just because Dumbledore's back doesn't mean everything is perfect. The Minister's still got a lot of work to do before we're safe from You Know Who.

When James had said good-bye to Dora and she'd waved and left sloppy wet kisses all over his cheeks, he walked up to where Remus was waiting to drop off his trolley to have the luggage stowed, wiping his face as he went on his Gryffindor sweater vest. His shirt was half untucked. Sirius and Peter were already on the train, running along to their compartment and Peter had his face pressed to the glass as Sirius gave him rabbit ears with his fingers over his oblivious head.

The Marauders' fun was standing out in the somber attitude around them.

"Blimey," James whispered, looking over at Remus, "Everyone's bloody terrified, aren't they?"

"I mean You Know Who killed the Minister for Magic over the summer, didn't he?" Remus whispered back. "The Minister's supposed to be somewhat invincible. The whole Ministry is. It showed how powerful You Know Who is. Spooked'em."

James frowned. "It's eerie."

"Yeah," Remus said, "It is."

They moved through the crowd until they'd reached the train doors and handed off the trunks. James carried Bubo through the threshold. James paused when he realized Remus wasn't following. "Rey, you coming?" he asked.

"Can't," Remus replied, "I've got to go sit with the Prefects, don't I?"

James looked disappointed, "Oh yeah. Right, I forgot." He hesitated, rubbing the back of his neck. "Well... I guess we'll see you at some point. Come visit us if you can. I'll get you a couple chocolate frogs from the trolley."

"Yeah, I will. Thanks." Remus smiled.

James nodded. "Have a good ride."

"You too."

The Marauders: Year Five #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now