Newt Scamander's Journal

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Newt Scamander's Journal

Peter handed Remus a Honeydukes chocolate bar as they made their way down the front steps of the school toward the thestral drawn carriages that were waiting to carry the students down to the platform for the Hogwarts' Express. "I noticed you didn't eat much at lunch again," Peter said in a reprimanding tone.

Remus sighed. "It's hard when everything you smell turns your stomach." He tore open the wrapper like he was peeling a banana, though, and bit into the bar of chocolate. It was literally the only thing he would have accepted. The smooth, velvety flavor of it in his mouth was comforting, and he thumped Peter on the back in appreciation as he chewed. He looked around, then, around a mouthful of chocolate, "Do you see Sirius anywhere?"

"No," Peter replied.

Remus craned his neck.

"Mr. Lupin!" McGonagall's voice cut across the shouting crowd noise as she trotted down the steps of the school toward him. SHe was dressed now, but Remus still couldn't help but blush at the memory of that tartan nightgown and the fluffy slippers. He paused, glancing at Peter, "I'll be right there."

Peter paused on the steps, looking back at Remus nervously.

Remus would've been more nervous - except he knew it couldn't be anything too horrible... After all, both his parents were already gone. The only other thing it might have been about was Sirius, but he knew Sirius was alright - save for having detention for basically the rest of his natural life. And Minnie had been far too amused by the look on Sirius's face that morning to have had him expelled or anything like that... so he was surprised to see the look of anxiety crossing over McGonagall's brow as he neared her.

"Professor...?" he asked as he neared.

McGonagall's voice was low," Mr. Scamander requests a word before you board the Express."

"Alright," Remus nodded. He only knew that Newt was there because of Sirius telling him about it. He'd been too sleepy in the hospital wing to recall seeing him at all himself. Now, he was nervous. Was Tina okay? What could Newt Scamander possibly need him, Remus, for? He walked along behind McGonagall, up the stairs to the hospital wing once again.

Sunlight streamed through the windows in great gashes across the stone floor and dust particles danced in the beams. McGonagall led Remus into the ward as Madam Pomfrey turned, holding a cup of tea and a bottle of potion. She looked at Remus as he walked in the doors and pointed, wagging her finger, "You."


"I need to give you a proper talking to about your nutrition, Mr. Lupin," she said sternly. "You need to be eating - three square meals a day - whatever it takes! And I mean it! I don't need you passing out again!"

"Yes m'am," murmured Remus.

She huffed, then said, "And you'll be needing tea, too.. Let me get you a cup."

"I'm not staying, I'm actually on my way to the --" but Pomfrey had handed off the cup she had to a small boy in one of the beds and turned away again already, back toward her medicine cupboard.

Remus turned and looked at the little boy, who held the cup in his lap. He had blonde hair that fell in long bangs over his forehead. He looked up as Remus came nearer and his eyes widened at the sight of him. Probably at the scars, thought Remus, and he looked away from the boy. He noticed then that every bed in the ward was filled - children doubled in each one - and they'd even rolled in more cots, which were stuffed between the rows of beds and lined up against the far end wall and double-parked in a row along one side... There were loads of children in the wing and Remus gaped around at them.

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