Blattam Alterar

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Blattam Alterar

"Pugnus!" A spurt of blood broke out from Evan Rosier's nose, spraying across the stones of the courtyard, brilliantly red against the grey stone. Evan stumbled backward, grabbing at his face, letting out a shout of surprise as Sirius continued forward and in one smooth motion, punched Evan Rosier square in the gut, making him double over forward with a grunt as the air left his body.

"Stay the hell away from my boyfriend," he snarled in the angriest tone that any of them had ever heard come out of him. It was like a lion roaring. He glared down at Rosier as his blood dripped down his face from his nose over his lip and he groaned, trying to recover from the quick hits. "I swear to you, Rosier, if you ever go anywhere near him again, I'll bugger you with a Filibuster's Firework. A lit one, mind."

Evan spat a mouthful of blood at Sirius's feet, then stood upright and stared Sirius straight in the eyes. "Your boyfriend?" Rosier's voice was quiet so only Sirius and the other Slytherins could hear him, dripping with amusement. "So it is true, then. You two really are a pair of puffskeins!" He chortled and the other boys in his little gang laughed, too.

Remus was going to freak out. You idiot! Sirius yelled at himself internally, You big, impossible idiot! You've done it now, you and your bigstupidfucking mouth.

"S'matter?" Rosier asked, smirking at Sirius's nervous expression. "Didn't mean to say that?"

The Slytherins around him laughed again and Mulciber was distracted enough that he gave the first year back his textbook that he and Goyle had been chucking back and forth. The tiny Hufflepuff boy turned and ran off as quick as he could, grinning mockingly at Sirius Black over Evan Rosier's shoulder.

Sirius's face burned. He could think of nothing to diffuse it, nothing to stop Evan from telling ever blessed soul in the entire bloody school...

Evan Rosier grinned... and nodded his head...

And suddenly the whole gang of Slytherins were on Sirius like vultures. The only thing he could do was defend himself as they descended upon him. He was blocking spell after spell after spell, his heart in his throat as the spells got increasingly more advanced... And then James and Peter and Remus were in there with him and the four Marauders were back to back, their shoulders brushing as each blocked spells coming from the Slytherins nearest them, their wands cracking with sparks and silver protegos...

At first, the Slytherins were winning the fight, their spells prone to being dark - they used pugnus at least once on each of the boys - Dimitri Goyle caught on pretty quickly that Peter was rubbish at blocking that one and laughed as he kept getting him with it. James was excellent at flippendo though, and once he thought to use it against Grant Crabbe, he quickly turned and aimed his wand at Antonin Dolohov, who was sending a burning spell at Remus, trying to actually hit him with the spell that Rey just kept blocking with little flashes of light. "FLIPPENDO!" James yelled and Dolohov went flying backward across the courtyard. He turned on Goyle and did the same to him, rescuing Peter, and then there was Evan Rosier to contend with and Germaine Avery behind him, both on Sirius...

Remus threw a shield charm quickly, blocking the hex Avery had been about to strike Sirius with, and James laughed, as he cast another flippendo, sending Avery to the ground. "Oi! Sirius, what was it that you called this snivelling little bastard before?" he nodded at Rosier as Evan realized his mates were all down and it was now four to one. A fear flashed in his eyes.

"An evil little cockroach," Sirius answered.

"Blattam alterar!" James shouted. There was a CRACK, a puff of smoke... and then on the ground before them was a teeny little cockroach where Evan Rosier had been.

The Marauders: Year Five #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now