Divorce pt. 2

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You immediately went inside your car and turned on the engine and went off. You know he's going to your house to get your kids.

You have arrived infront of the house to see Louis' car parked infront.

You went inside the house and you see Louis going upstairs.

"You're not taking my kids!" You ran to grab his hand and he turned around.

"And why not? I'm their dad!" He eagerly stated.

"You can't!" You protest.

"Fine, I'm taking Zoe."

Before you could answer, Louis went in your children's bedroom and there's the nanny and the two of them playing.

"Mommy, Daddy!" Zoe squealed and they both ran to the both of you and hugged you.

"Hello my babies," Louis said.

"Zoe," and he looked at her, "you want to go on a vacation with daddy?"

Zoe lighten up and nodded, "yes daddy! But mommy said we're going somewhere today."

"Oh but it's cancelled. Instead, both of us are going somewhere else." Louis explained

Your daughter, Zoe, looked up at you and asked him, "Dad, is mum going with us?"

Louis sighed, "oh no darling. Mummy is busy."

He is clearly upset about this situation because he just lied to his daughter but there's nothing he can do.

"Now, go get your bag and we're ready to go." Louis told her.

"Uhmmm okay." She said, going over to grab her bag full of clothes & stuffs and came over you.

"Bye bye mummy," she said to you happily, oblivious that her parents are getting divorced and that she will grow up with a broken family.

You kneeled down to match her height, "Goodbye sweetie, take care okay? Mummy will always love you." You tried to hold back the tears because you will miss her so much and you don't know when you will see her again.

Louis went over to Lee and carried your baby boy, "bye lad. Daddy will miss you." He kissed his forehead and Lee chuckled and that made your heart ache more.

Louis then came over to you and looked deeply to your eyes.

"I'll just message you about the schedule of the divorcement." He whispered.

"Well, it's for the best" you sighed.

"Guess this is goodbye," he stated.

"Yeah," is all you could mutter.

"One last kiss?" He didn't seem like he asked, more like he suggested.

"One last kiss." You nod, afterall he's a very loving husband to you and father to your children.

He hold you by the waist while you put your hand on his chest and he leaned to close the gap between the both of you. You closed your eyes and savoured the moment, all the memories came flashing back to your mind.

You knew the both of you will miss this.

After a few seconds, you both pulled away. He held Zoe's hand and you watched them go inside the car, Zoe waving at you.

And at the moment the car sped off, the tears comes falling down your cheeks.

Louis Tomlinson ImaginesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz