Crush pt. 4

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School is back, you were finally in 10th Grade and you're about to be in Junior year.

Your grades went pretty well which you're proud of. You still stick to your goal since day one and you will never give up on it.

However, after what you did to Zayn, you haven't gotten the chance to get closer to Louis again. You're ashamed to show your face to him. You know that he definitely knew that you hurt his bestfriend.

But it's okay for you to watch him from afar again. In this way, you wouldn't hurt someone's feelings ever again and noone would ever be involved again.

"(Y/N), what's your plan?" Bret and Jade sat beside you while you're playing games on your phone, wasting time at vacant.

"Plan about what?" You ask them, having difficulty to understand what they're talking about.

"Louis is in his Senior year now, which means he is graduating." You always knew that.

"So?" You ask again but you know what they're up to.

"Bih, what do you mean 'so'?" Bret asked back not taking your crap, "aren't you gonna confess?!"

You shake your head, "No..."

Bret and Jade disagreed, "So you would just choose to let him go like that?"

Of course not, "but I don't have the courage to do so."

"You've tried to hide your feelings this long (Y/N). And what you did to Zayn? It's in the past now and you never wanted that. You apologized for it." Jade point out.

"Right. There's no harm in trying, gurl. You should confess." Bret persuades.

You were in deep thoughts after that. Weeks have passed, and another Valentine's day has come.

"You ready???" Bret and Jade asked.

You have decided.

"Just like you said, I waited this long. It's now or never."

"That's our (Y/N)!"

You baked cookies for him again. This time you won't be leaving it on his desk anymore, instead you will give it to him face to face.

After classes, you went to search for him in his classroom but he wasn't there. You went to the field, canteen, and to the garden but you couldn't find him. You tried one last time to the rooftop, and there you saw him.

You feel your heart beating faster. You walk slowly towards him, firmly holding the box of cookies with your hands. He noticed you and he smiled.

"Oh, hey (Y/N). It's been a while." Why is he like this? He still looks good as ever.

"H-hi.." you stammered, "Happy Valentine's Day." You hand over the box of cookies, "I made this for you."

"Really? Thank you." He looks surprised, he observed the box and it seemed like he figured something out. "Wait a second, so you were the one who gave me this last Valentine's?"

You nod, "Actually... I have something to tell you." This is it.

He didn't speak, he waited for you to. "I started to have crush on you last year when I was in 9th grade. You're such a nice guy with a nice personality and it was only a crush, but then I learned that my feelings for you have grown. So all I wanted to say is..."

You gathered all your courage and strength, "...I really really like you Louis" you say honestly and sincerely. It was hard but finally you said it.

His reaction was expected, he was more shocked than before. You can't tell if it was a good or bad sign because you were too overwhelmed with your emotions.

You were waiting for him to speak back when you heard a phone ring. Louis reach for his pocket and took his phone out. You caught a glimpse of it, and you just wish you didn't.

It was a girl's name that popped out on the screen, and not just that, the caller ID's picture is a photo of the girl kissing Louis on his cheeks. And they looked happy.

You shook off the thought. Maybe it was just his friend, maybe they were just like that, maybe that's how they show their friendship.

Louis looked back again at you, and the look he's giving you is surely not a very good sign.

"You can answer it, I-I won't mind," you say politely. He still stared at you.

"(Y/N)..." you don't want to hear it, "I'm sorry."

You feel your eyes water, and since you were too curious you asked him, "so, y-you already have a girlfriend?"

He nods slowly, giving you a sad expression.

Your face fell. Wow, this hurt like a big sharp knife.

"S-Since when?" You're having trouble to speak now but you wanted to know.

"Just last week."

You tried to be happy, "congratulations." You tap his shoulders.

"(Y/N)..." You know he's going to apologize because he's a freaking good guy and it hurts you more.

"I-it's alright, I swear." You let out a shakily laugh.

"I'm happy for you." You give him a thumbs up but it turned awkward because you're crying.

You quickly turn away, so he wouldn't see you crying anymore.

"(Y/N)..." he called but you ignored him. Louis chasing you is the last thing you wanted to happen, and you were relieved he didn't.

You ran, you wanted to get away. You don't want him to see you ever, and I mean, ever again.

You bumpred into your friends and their expressions changed when they see you crying.

"(Y/N), what happened?" Bret softly asked.

You just sob as a response and you left them there.

"Just let her be for now..." you heard Jade say.

"It's okay (Y/N)." You told yourself, "You're still young, you will be alright. You'll get over it, you will move on..." you say, trying to convincing yourself. You just wish it will all come true.

Louis Tomlinson ImaginesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin