A Youtuber and a Popstar (Special Chapter)

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You and Louis have been secretly dating for a year now. Well not really, because nothing gets away from his fans. At least, you tried to keep your relationship a privacy. You've never announced that you guys are actually dating, yet.

From the start, you're really worried about the hates you'll get especially from his fans. You're not surpised though, because you expected it and you've already been seeing some. But there are mostly fans who respect you and support you. Even on every youtube video you upload, they would ask about when you will officially announce your relationship, when Louis will officially appear in your videos and how they'd be really excited to see you guys always making videos.

Now, the day has come. You both are ready to tell everyone. You adjusted your camera and sat infront of it beside Louis.

Louis knows your nervous so he holds your hand, "everything will be alright" he assures you.

You smiled and looked at your camera and breathed, ""Hello my lovely viewers. (Y/N) here" You said your signature intro, "I have here beside me is the greatest Louis Tomlinson"

He waves at the camera adoringly, "ello," he greeted with his Yorkshire accent.

"You guys were wondering.." you paused for awhile looking at Louis, "if Louis and I are dating."

He nods and you continue, "and we haven't announced it officially because we wanted to keep our relationship private."

"But since you guys deserve to know this, here we are telling that," you both smile, "yes, we are dating"

Louis speaks up, "errgghh, well we're dating for a year now are we?"

You chuckled at his adorableness, "yes Louis. And tomorrow's our anniversary."

"Yeah, I just realized that." Louis said doing the wondering emoji. 🤔

You laughed, "so what do we do today for this vlog then?"

"I have something in mind actually." He says.

"Really?" You ask.

"Yes, I have a gaaame." He said in a singsong manner.

"What is ittt?" You sang back.

"Do you know that thing called 'how well do you know your partner?' or something like that?" Louis questions.

"Well I did hear and see that on other youtubers."

"Then let's do that!" He exclaimed.

You laugh, "all right, I'm just gonna get whiteboards and markers"

"No, let me get those m'lady." He says.

"Why thank you" you giggled.

After he got the stuff you needed, you started the quiz.

"The first is, name a country your partner would love to visit." You say and you started writing in each of your boards.

After writing you both showed your answers, both of your guesses are 'Maldives'

"Hey we both got it right." You say.

Louis Tomlinson ImaginesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora