Training Amadeus oOExerciseOo

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Jae tilts her head and quirks an eyebrow at Amadeus.

"Have you-." She looks him up and down. "-Gained weight?"

Amadeus' eyes shoot up to her and lets out a deep growl in response. She frowns at him and continues to inspect his body while the male lays down on the bed. She isn't trying to be rude, but it is sort of true. He hasn't gained significant weight, but she could tell that his face was getting a little more round. She takes in a breath of air and sighs, what else should she expect? She hasn't let him at all, and all Amadeus has been doing is sit on her couch and sleep.

Jae picks out from her back pocket Amdeus Owner's guide, and flips to his health chapter.

The Amadeus breed is a fairly healthy breed, since he lived with other dangerous types in an island where only the strongest survive. This breed does get randomly sick, so when it does be prepared to give him your full attention until fully healed. Be prepared for your Amadeus will become extremely weak, and their brain may go haywire. Amadeus are very prone to kidney stones and obesity as it loves to eat only meat and alcohol, and tends to sit around and sleep all day. To avoid this situation, coax him to eat more fruits and vegetables, and to excise more.

How. How? ! This damn book tells what to do but never how to! She messages her temples, trying to relief herself from the stress. Jae then turns to the next section, hoping to find something actually useful.

Amadeus stands at a tall height of 190 centimeters, and his weight ranges from around 73 to 77 kilograms. If your Amadeus reaches above any of this weight, please encourage him to exercise. Amadeus has a large build, and is very muscular. I mean, dayumn! Look at the body! He just emits a sexy aura! Amandues is practically a walking Sex God-!

"What the hell is wrong with this book! ?" Jae takes the guide and chucks it to the other side of the room. She keeps on heaving until looking up to Amadeus again. Jae then freezes up as she sees him looking at her with a glare. Jae sighs and goes up to her bathroom and retrieves a scale, she then goes back downstairs and puts it in front of him. Jae points to the scale.

"Get on." Amadeus sends a glare towards her.

"Scum." She rolled her eyes at his usual response.

"Look, I didn't mean you're fat. I just pointed out that you've just look a little different."

God, it's like dealing with a woman. Amadeus lets out a grunt before standing up and stands on the scale.

Jae glances over and her eyes widen at his weight.

79 kilograms! ?

She lets out a groan and looks towards him.

"Looks like we'll have to go do some exercise."

Jae walks over to the living room table and picks up the leash and collar Hopper gave her to take Amadeus out. She then puts on a smile and leans over a bit, at the same time moving the leash.

"Come on Amadeus! Come on! You wanna go on a walkie?"

Her answer was a gun shot flying by her head.

Jae's eye twitches, maybe not the best way to take him out. Well, he didn't purposely kill her. So that's a plus in their relationship. She then sighs and folds her arms. Jae's eyes scan Amadeus, who's still holding a gun with a snarl, and her eyes go back to his gun. A smile comes back on her face.

"Hey, wanna go to a shooting range?" His gun lowers a bit. She then walks up to him, holding up the collar.

"But, I have to put this on you. It's to show you're . . . a dangerous and strong person!"

Okay, it was a lie. But how else was she suppose to get him to go out on short notice?


"Amadeus! Amadeus! Stop pulling me!"

Alright, the leash was sort of a fail. Instead of her leading him, he was pulling Jae around. Jae pulled against the leash, trying to regain control again. What was worse was that people were watching them while all of this was happening. She could practically see them whispering to each-other.

Jae groaned and gave up. Letting the large man walk while Jae gets dragged along the ground. She then glares up towards him while Amadeus continues to aimlessly walk around.

"Do you even know where you're going?"

No response.

She sighs and puts her head down. At least he's getting some fresh air. But he should be running. How is she suppose to get him to run? Should she take his gun again? No, she's pretty sure Amadeus would definitely kill her.

Jae then notices that her body stopped moving. She looked up towards Amadeus and sees that he was staring at something. She looks to where Amadeus has his eyes and sees a cat standing in front of him. Jae stands back up and walks towards the kitten and kneels down in front of it with a smile.

"Aw~, it's a lost kitty." The girl reaches down and starts to pet it's head, making the cat let out a purr and start to rub itself against her hand. Jae lets out a brighter smile at its reaction and continues to pet it.

"Aren't you a cutie."

Amadeus watches as Jae continues to coo at the animal. His eye twitches, then so does his hands. Seeing her baby the animal somehow irked him.


Jae rolls her eyes and looks back towards him with a glare.

"Amadeus, I promise to get you to the shooting range just-. Amadeus! Put away that gun!" Right behind her, Amadeus had his gun out. But, instead of him usually having the weapon pointed towards her, it was pointed towards the cat. She quickly gets up and grabs his hand trying to get the man to put his gun away.

"Amadeus! What's wrong with you? Bad!"


The cat let out a hiss at him before running off with fur bristled. Amadeus lets out a growl and also sprints after the feline. Unfortunately, Jae still had her hand wrapped up in the leash.

She lets out a scream as Jae gets pulled along with Amadeus.


At least she found a way for him to exercise . . .

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