Training Prince oODescriptionOo

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"Jae! Why didn't you bring him over? I wanted to meet him!" Willow whines next to her. 

Jae sighs and continues to clean the floor with a mop. "I would have brought him over, but Severus is-." She presses her temples, almost hearing his bombing voice. "-loud. It would have caused all the animals in the shop to panic.

Willow still wasn't satisfied with her answer and puffs out one of her cheeks. The girl then turns to face her back towards Jae. "Fine! But you have to promise to bring the next one over!"

Jae rolls her eyes. "Not promising, this next one seems like a weird one."

Willow blinks at this and tilts her head. "What do you mean?"

Jae starts to remember the night before.


History and Temperament of Prince

This breed has a very dark, dark, dark past. It's origin is unknown, but from its personality our company thinks that this breed is the only one bred from royalty. It has been said that this breed was first created even before Severus and Amadeus, and it's original purpose was to be the pets for kings and queens. Being highly intelligent and dangerously unstable, most royalty would rarely show this pet just to boast their high rank. They say this is why the breed went insane, constantly being put down by it's royal owners. One day it finally snapped and murdered all of its owners and everyone in the castle. Coming from royal families many breeders have pressed that this breed is very stubborn.

"You simpletons, you'll never catch up to my rank. Your tiny minds can't even match my superior intellect, I am a king after all."

This is was what we, from 'All From Heaven', believe what is going through Prince's mind twenty-four seven. Though many research has been done by many employees (may their souls rest in peace), not many actually knows what its real behavior is. Upon being in close distance to this breed you will notice it will be chuckling darkly under his breath like some psycho killer (which he is). It's dark leers and laughing is able to break down anyone's mental state to tiny bread crumbs within seconds of hearing it. But, besides it's mental destroying features, let's move on! Good-natured is the opposite of this breed, good with children, no, kind and gentle-. Whoa, let's not go crazy here. Prince is an unstable and blood-thirsty breed. Much like Amadeus, though not as bad-ass. Unstable is what Prince is twenty-four seven, so never leave children, friends, elderly, or even yourself alone with this breed, or say goodbye. Heavy blood-lust is another issue, also that Prince loves to see cuts and red all over his victims. If you like being in one piece keep all sharp objects out of sight. A very sadistic breed, he will most likely laugh at your pain, and never help you. Territorial instincts are also a problem, beware all post-men.


Jae's face was formed to one of stress. This one is going to be a huge problem. Willow was still looking at her face with curiosity.

"So, what's he going to be like."

Jae tries to find some words that would suit this new 'pet'. "Sadistic, psycho, a killer."

There was a pause between the two, until Willow says some words Jae never wants to hear again.

"So, he's probably into S&M."

"Get back to work!" 

Willow quickly runs away from Jae before she could face her furry. The woman continues to frown at where her friend ran away to. She groans and puts her hand over her face, at least she has a day or so without worrying for her life getting taken away. She's almost half-way done with this taming, and she hopes this one goes fast. 

Jae then jumps as her cell-phone rings, looking down with a raised eyebrow Jae fishes out the device and presses the answer button.


"J-Jae! I-I'm so sorry!"

Jae flinches at Hopper's sudden loud and panicked voice. She frowns and brings the cell-phone back to her ear.

"What's wrong this time." 

She felt something really bad coming.

"P-Prince was sent to your home early! You gotta get there now!"


Next chapter Prince is coming out :)

Nothing else to say . . . I wasn't really planning on updating today but here it is! :D

By the way, did any of you guys watch Avatar: Legend of Korra? I did, and IT'S FRICKEN AWESOME! I can't wait for the next episode already, seriously, if you haven't watched it you HAVE to. You wont regret it. Vote if you like Avatar 8D

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