Training Severus oOGoodByeOo

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The sound of a phone ringing wakes Jae up in the morning. She lets out a groan and moves her hand around to find the device. Cracking one of her eyes open she groggily answer her phone, ready to yell at whoever woke her up this hour.


"Hello~! Good morning, my little pet trainer!"

Someone kill her now, her grip tightens on the phone as an annoyed face comes onto her features. Out of all the people she doesn't want to hear in the morning, he was on the top of the list.

"What is it, Hopper."

He hums from the other side of the line. "How's Severus going? Must have gone smoothly since you didn't call at all this time!"

She rolls around in her bed and closes her eyes, ready to fall back asleep once their conversation ends.

"He was still a bit of trouble. The reason why I didn't call you as much is because I didn't get a weird surprise and knew everything." She then opens one of her eyes and glares at the phone. "Seriously, how could you forget to tell a woman that her 'pet' could possibly rape her."

"I still don't see why you're complaining, both the guys are handsome."

There was a pause between the two. 

Jae's face goes to one that's not amused. 

"Hopper, you don't have a girlfriend do you."

"Hahahahaha-!" His laughter then started to die down to painful chuckles, almost as if he's crying. "-No."

Jae rolls her eyes and this time moves in her bed to face the ceiling.

"If you don't have anything important to say I'm hanging up."

"Wait, wait, wait! Since it seems he's done with his training, then I'll come today with some other men from the company and pick him up. Then you can start working on taming Prince!"

Jae froze in her bed. That's right, it has been a while. Severus was actually sort of a breeze that she really had fun with him after all the training was done. Jae shook her head and forced on a smile, even though Hopper wasn't there with her she felt it would help fake her voice.

"Sure, what time?"

"Ah, is three okay with you?"

"Yeah, I'll get him ready."


The line then ended. She stared at her phone a glare then came on her face and she slammed the phone down. Jae rolls to her side and tries to fall asleep again. She has to get used to this, every time she takes care of one of these pets she's going to have to give them up. Jae clenches her blankets.

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