6. Man and Wife

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It had been almost two weeks since Nora's surgery. She was recovering at a steady rate and had been moved out of the ICU.

Alec visited her once a week. She was regaining her old sense of humour and looked more cheerful with every visit. Though Alec was still angry with the situation she had put him in, it did feel nice to see her recovering.

Most of the time, his mother would sitting right next to Nora and they would catch up on things, just like the old times. Beth however, was never seen. Either she had been avoiding him purposefully or she was actually busy, because in these two weeks time he never saw her. They never even bumped into each other in the corridor nor did he ever found her by her mother's side.  Whatever it was, he was glad he didn't have to face her. Being forced into marriage with her was painful enough and he wasn't very fond of the idea of getting stuck into an awkward conversation with her.

When Alec visited Nora this time, again, his mother sitting next to her. Nothing much had changed in the small pastel coloured room from his last visit. It still had numerous flower bouquets making the room smell fresh, monitors still beeped continuously and the medicines covered the small nightstand next to Nora's bed. The only difference he noticed was in Nora's health. Now the pipes weren't coming in and out of her body, her face wasn't covered with an oxygen mask anymore, though her pale head was still bandaged.

"Alec!" Her eyes lit up. Her voice sounded more clear and warm.

"Hello Nora." He smiled even with the anger residing inside him towards her.

"You look tired honey, busy week?"

"Yes." He answered as took his usual seat in the room. He always sat on the same chair that was not very close to her bed, yet wasn't far either.

"Your mother and I were just talking about Beth and you. We should start planning the marriage ceremony." Even his mother flinched a little at those words. No matter how much his mother wanted him to marry Beth, even she didn't want them to fall into such a situation.

"Nora, I think we should wait for Beth to come too. She should also know about this." Grace spoke.

"Oh, you know her Grace, I don't even know if she will be here or not."

"Yes, she loves keeping herself busy, but, today she doesn't have much to do fortunately. So, I guess she will come here during the lunch break."

"Isn't the lunch break right now?"

Just as she finished speaking, with a soft knock on the door, Beth entered. She was carrying a small plastic box which was filled with salad.

"Hello Mother." She said as she gave her mother a small peck on the cheek . "Hello Grace, Alec." She nodded graciously.

Both of them nodded back in her direction. Beth stood by her mother's bed for a few seconds and Alec noticed her hesitate a bit before she took a seat next to him. She quickly opened her lunch and began eating it. Alec sighed in relief.

"So now that you two are here, let's talk about your marriage ceremony, shall we?"

Beth coughed a little as she choked on her salad. "Mother, whatever happened, you know it was only to-"

"Beth don't you dare say it was all for the surgery and now you won't marry the man."

"Yes, mother. It was all an act." She said coolly. Suddenly all eyes  were on her. Alec and Grace's jaws were hanging down and Nora was glaring at her.

It was all fake. A faint smile found its way on Alec's lips. She really is something.

"Beth Richards, don't you dare give me that. I-"

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