7. Your Wife, Mr Mason.

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What had she done? What had she done? Only one thought kept going through her mind as Beth ran down the hall towards her office.

She kept replaying the events that occurred in the chapel. The dramatic wedding had taken place, and she had forced Alec to marry her.

No, our mothers had forced us..... She tried to convince herself, but she couldn't. She had a choice, but her rage.

The conversation in her mother's cabin had snapped something inside her. She hated her mother for saying all those words. They had made her anger erupt like a volcano and she had destroyed everything.

Everything was ruined. Her friendship, her relations, everything and now there was turning back.

The moment she entered her office, she quickly pulled the blinds down and locked the door.

What had she done? What had she done? Oh god no..... How could I?

She looked down at her hand. The platinum band fitted her finger snuggly. She tried to pull it out, but failed.

Her knees gave away and she fell on the ground, crying.

It was the start of the year, only two months had passed, winters were still persistent but that morning, it was the hottest day of the season. And just like the day, so was Alec.

It had almost been twenty four hours since Beth had pulled him into the hospital chapel and forced him to wear the platinum band on his finger. It had been almost three hours since he had sent the papers to court, one hour since the hearing came in his favour regarding the inheritance case. But his mood worsened with every passing moment. And so suffered his staff.

He fired at everyone who entered his office. His secretary, his board members, everyone faced his wrath.

It was just after the lunch when his phone rang.

"Yes?" He barked at his secretory.

"S-Sir..." She stuttered a little. "There is someone to meet you from the DA's office."

"DA? I don't remember any such appointments."

"Sir, he insists on meeting you."

"Okay, send him in and ask my attorney to come in as well. And tell him to be fast." His last few words were a little too harsh than they were supposed to be.

"Y-yes sir."

After two minutes, two gentlemen entered his office. In crisp suits and ties, they entered the room with long confident strides. Their hair were neatly combed, revealing well groomed faces.

"Sir." One of them said and greeted Alec. Alec shook his hand with the second one.

"Mr. Mason, I am Lewis Hosley. I am with the DA."

"Mr. Hosley, it's a pleasure to meet you. This is my attorney, Nathan Nash." They shook hands with each other taking thier seats. "How can I help you Mr. Hosley?"

"Sir, I am here regarding your inheritance case. The judge has appointed me oversee certain things regarding your marriage. If I find any fault in them, your property will be ceased until further notice."

Alec looked at his attorney. "When did this happen? Why wasn't I informed about this?"

"Sir I had mentioned this as soon as the decision had come."

Alec considered his attorney's words for a moment. It was true that his attorney had given him all the instructions after the hearing had been officially released, but Alec hadn't paid much attention to facts after hearing the fact that he had won the case. He, honestly, wasn't even interested since he wasn't very happy about the idea of having Beth as his wife.

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