23. The Dream

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Alec collapsed on the couch. Tired and sleep deprived, he couldn't move his muscles anymore. His stomach grumbled but he didn't have the strength to fix something for himself. It grumbled again and he tried to remember when was the last time he ate.

It was 31st December and Beth was still nowhere to be found. Lucy had already checked her apartment twice, she even contacted everyone in Georgia, but nobody had seen her there either. When Roger tracked her phone, it was found in a garbage can and Alec was afraid that she had been kidnapped. He wanted to report it to the police but Lucy had stopped him.


"She is not kidnapped Alec, don't be silly."

"Lucy you don't know how many business rivals I have."

"No Alec, she is just depressed. I know because this had happened before."

"But why not police?"

"Just because ..... No." She shook her head."

"Well did you check her apartment?"

"I told you I did already, twice."

"Then let me go in there, let me check it. Maybe there is some clue there."

"There wasn't. I already checked."

"Lucy let me go and check. Roger is trained for such situations, I am sure we both will find something."

"But Alec I don't-"

"It's not the time for I don't know or any such things Lucy, just give me the goddamn keys and let me go and check! It's been more than five days since she has gone missing. Let me just see her apartment once."


Alec looked at the key. Beth's apartment keys.
It wasn't just key to her apartment, it was like a time machine, taking him back to the past and he was afraid of it. Afraid of the memories it would bring back, Melissa, accident, Beth, fights, marriages, the whole mess. It was too big of a mess.

And that still wasn't the part that  got him worried the most. The thing was he still didn't know what he was going to do after he finds her. "What are you going to do Alec after finding her, leave her?" Lucy's words echoed in his mind again. What was he going to do?

He kept rolling the keys between his fingers, thinking the same thing over and over again while his eyes began to betray him and started closing.


Melissa stood in front of him again, he hand stretched out towards him. Behind him the melody was tears was playing.

"Come Alec, let's go. Take my hand and we will be together, just how you wanted." She said.

The piano began fading. " Come Alec. Come." She held his hand and first time in his dream he realized he wasn't stuck in one place. He could move his feet. He lifted his leg and realized he could take a step. Could take a step towards Melissa.

"Come on Alec. We should go."  She said again.

He looked back towards the piano, the silhouette looked eeriely familiar. Slouched back, head hung low, it was Beth, playing Melody of tears.

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