Chapter 3

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Kat's POV

I was busy as usual at the diner today. Sunshine's is always busy, especially the breakfast rush. I was lucky enough to work during the breakfast rush, lunch rush, and dinner rush. I need the tips anyways. I was two hours into my twelve-hour shift when the two sexy men from the bar strolled in. I was shocked, to say the least. I make my way to their table, "Well, good morning, Fellas." I greet them with a smile. They both return it, "Sweetheart! I had no idea that you worked here too. Well, you just made my day even better." Drake winks at me and I can't help but chuckle. He is too cute. "Well, what can I get for you two handsome devils this morning?" 

They look at their menus and Garrett looks up first, "I will have the steak and eggs with a side of hash browns. Biscuits and gravy, and a short stack of pancakes. Oh, and a Coke. Please." Woah, dude can eat! Drake grins, "Sounds good, I'll have the same." I jot it all down, "I'll be right back with your drinks, How do you want your steaks cooked?" "Rare" They both answer at the same time. I nod and hang my ticket before grabbing their drinks and returning to the table. "Thanks, sweetheart." Drake says and Garrett winks at me, "Thanks, Kitten." I shiver a bit as he calls me that. I see him smirk. Damn it. I nod and head off to check my other tables. 

Ten minutes later, Ralph yells, "Order up, Kat!" I run up to the window, "Thanks, Ralph." He grins, "Anything for you, Doll." I roll my eyes at him, the man is old enough to be my father and is married to Linda, the owner, but he flirts like nobody's business. He is harmless. I swore I heard a growl, but brush it off. I load up my tray and carry it to the guys. "Here you go, I hope everything is up to your standards." I say as I hand out their food. "Looks delicious" Drake says, but he is looking at me and not the food. I know my face is red as a tomato. I nod and quickly walk to the employee bathroom to splash water on my face. I look at myself in the mirror, "What in the hell is wrong with you? A couple extremely hot guys pay a little attention to you and suddenly you forget all about the promise you made? Knock it off, Kat and get your head in the game." I finish my pep talk and head back out, determined not to let these guys get to me. 

I come back to the floor and they are gone, the plates are empty and they left a $100 bill on the table. Well, ain't that something, their bill was like $40. I will give them their change when I see them again because I have a feeling that I will. Ten hours later, I walking home from the diner when I see Mac following me, he thinks that I don't notice him, but I do. For the past four years, I have been training in martial arts, ever since the first time that Brad defaulted on a loan from a loan shark and they kidnapped me. I was never going to be a victim again, so I trained. I still do, once a week is all I can afford, but I walk everywhere I go to keep in shape. 

I shake my head, I know that it's probably Maury, because if I die, he loses out on the rest of his money. In fact, tomorrow is the day I have to go see him to make a payment. I reach the bar and the regulars are just getting there, I wave to Conner before jogging upstairs to shower and get ready for my shift. My uniform never really changes for the bar, short denim shorts, and a black tank. I am done in twenty minutes so I head down a bit early. That Joel guy is supposed to be coming tonight.

I circle the room, making sure everyone has their drinks and I see a very large man sitting in the back corner. I make my way to him, "Hi, I'm Kathrine. What can I get you?" I greet him and he looks me over, from head to toe, "I am Joel, please, have a seat for a moment. I realize that you are working, so I will be quick." I glance a Conner who nods at me. I take the chair across from Joel. "I would say that it is nice to meet you, sir, however, as you can guess, I am not happy about whatever business my ex-husband has with you." He smiles,  I look him over, he has to be close to eight foot tall, three hundred pounds, brown short hair, military cut, blue eyes. "I can understand that, Mrs. Miller." I wave him off, "Please, call me Kat. I have a feeling we will be seeing a lot of each other. Mac tells me that Brad owes you $500,000. That you are going to kill him, his girlfriend and their baby if he doesn't pay?" Joel simply nods. I sigh, "Look, I don't know why Brad told you that I would have the money, I work two jobs to simply pay the debt he already owes, however, if I can help him, not for him or Candy, but the baby, tell me what I can do." Joel searches my eyes for a second before responding, "Kat, I like you. You are a hard worker and an honest person. I know that you could work for the rest of your life and never pay back what Brad owes me, so here is what I am offering you, work for me. I will pay you more than you make here and at the diner. I will let you work for Brad to get an extension, but not to clear his debt, that is not your responsibility and I will make sure that the unborn child is safe no matter what." I looked in his eyes but saw no lies there so I nodded, "I need to keep my job here though, I live in the apartment above it and I can't afford to move right now. What is it that I would be doing?" 

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