12. Memories

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Elisa's P.O.V

Oh God! His lips are pure heaven. I felt a feeling I couldn't name. It was like that moment when you kiss someone and everything around you becomes hazy and the only thing in focus is you and this person and you realise that this person is the only person that you're supposed to kiss for the rest of your life, and for one moment you get this amazing gift and you want to laugh and you want cry because you feel so lucky that you found and so scared that it will go away at the same time.

It was a beautiful feeling yet it was a very very dangerous one.

What am I thinking? I can't feel this way about him. He's my kidnapper. The one who took away any peace I had for once in my miserable life.

But at the same time I felt complete with him. Safe. Oh God! I don't know what to think. Everything is so mysterious. Like the chandelier wanting to kill us, Alec's behaviour, my feelings and most importantly those stormy grey eyes of his. Where have I seen them?

I began squirming in his grip and he gripped my shoulders and began kissing on my collar bone again. There was this strange tingling and warm feeling on a particular spot on my neck but I ignored it for now. Alec was distracting me again and it felt so good that--

"Littleone stop moving, it only makes me want to devour you more..." he said.

His line should've made fear grip me but something else caught my attention.


I've heard that name before.


The nickname kept roaming in my head as I tried to pin point where have I heard it before. Think Elisa.

The more I forced my mind to remember the more black spots began to swam in my vision. But this time black spots were accompanied by a hammring pain in my head yet I kept searching. Where?

Alec must have sensed my stiffness cuz he removed his head from my neck.

"Elisa? Are you alright?" He asked.

I was so dizzy, yet I felt as if something was burst open in my mind as it couldn't hold it in anymore and everything began to blur 

That's when I remembered.

The grey eyes.

His voice.

My nickname.

Oh my God! Alec was my savior, the one who saved me drom my brother and not Kate.

I felt so betrayed. Why did she tell me that she was the one who saved me that night?

" Elisa answer me. Are you alright?" He asked me concern etching from his voice.

It was too much to take in and the events of night were too exhuasting for me. I began feeling light headed and tried to grab something. Anything.

I tripped even though I was standing still and feel myself falling in the blankets of darkness.

Alec's POV

She stiffened as I continued kissing her neck.

I glanced back and looked at her face.

She was frightened and staring into space, her eyes were wide open as if she was trying to remember something.

"Elisa? Are you alright?" I asked but she did not heed any attention to what I said.

I grabbed her shoulders and shook her yet she remained in her trance.

What was wrong with her? Did I do something?

I replayed everything in my mind before she went in her trance.

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