45. Like and Love

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Thank you so much zankhana01 for making me such a beautiful cover. I totally loved it. Thank you again. This chap is dedicated to you.

Elisa's P.O.V

"This is breathtaking Alec." I said not taking my eyes away from the meadow.

I walked forward to look more closely at the beautiful dasies, roses, sunflowers, lilies, lavenders and many many more flowers I don't even know names of.

I removed my flats to feel the grass under my feet, the moist, damp dew on the grass making me feel more fresher than ever.

I touched the flowers, took whiffs of each and every one of them, to be introduced with different, sweet fragrances making my soul bathe in that scent.

This is heaven!

The meadow was circular in shape and I wanted to travel every inch of it, wanted to feel the heavenly light sun rays play on the flowers as I watch them bask in Sun's glory.

I totally forgot about Alec, when I tripped again and Alec, the superhero, locked his arms around my waist to keep me from falling in the bed of evergreen grass.

"This is so...... so...... words are not enough to express how glorious it is. Thank you Alec. Thank you so much for showing me." I said as he straighten me up but still kept his hands locked around me.

"I knew you would like it." He said with a hint of smile and........ relief?

"Like? I loveeeeee it." I said to him and entwined my fingers with his as we started walking in circles around the meadow.

"What's the difference? It conveys the same meaning." He said and I stopped and stood in front of him.

"Okay, lesson no. 1 of your love-lesson Alec. There is a big difference between like and love....how do I explain?.....hmmm." I started thinking and then it came to my mind.

"Come here." I said and guided him to a beautiful big red rose.

"What do you think of this flower?" I asked him.

"I think it's vibrant and beautiful--"

"So would you pluck it off?" I cut him off.

"Do you want me to?" He retorted.

"Just answer me."

"Honestly? No. It's just beautiful there and living it's life to it's fullest." He said and I smiled.

"You love it." I said and he raised a bow at me.

"How do you know that I do." He said but did not utter the word love.

Baby steps.

"The big difference between like and love is that when you like a flower, you pluck it but when you love a flower you let it live because love is not about possession Alec, love is about appreciation. Love is about letting go and  at the same time holding onto." I explained him and he understood that.

I so wish Alec that I could tell you how much I love you but it might spoil this..... this beautiful thing we have between us.

I don't know what's between us but whatever it is, it is so delicate that my confession of love will break it like a thin thread.

But I wish that one day I will be strong enough to confess you and strong enough to let go of you because learning what love is one thing and falling in love is whole another.

"Buddha said that you know." I said to him and he nodded his head.

"You're a good teacher." He said and I laughed out loud.

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