26. My first and last one.

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Elisa's POV

I shuddered as I remember the pain I felt while breaking the compulsion. Oh God! It was the worst type of torture a person could endure but still it can't match the intensity of torture I've endured through my brother's hand.

Breaking the compulsion involved only physical pain but when my brother used to torture me it involved both physical as well as emotional pain and believe me that's the worst kind of pain one could go through.

My head was mucked in the book and I was re-reading the same paragraph for last hour because I couldn't concentrate on the novel.

My thoughts were filled with Alec and how good it felt to be in his arms. How good his lips molded in mine.

Oh my God! I was starting to feel something for Alec, my captor.

I couldn't help it, every time I see him my heart goes frenzy, it becomes too hard to concentrate on anything but him. I like the sound of his voice and I love to hear the promises he made to me and he would keep them.

I also noticed that not once had he removed the watch I gave him since Christmas. He was telling the truth when he said that he loved it.

I sat up in the bed and put the novel down. I want to see him. I want to go out of this castle and see other flowers and that swing in his garden.

I donned on winter clothes and went out of the room in seach for him.

I know he must be in his office.

I went to the stairs because his office was on ground floor.

As I began climbing down, my mind went to the feelings I--

I slipped.

Oh no! Now I'm gonna break my neck because I was syltill on the third step.

I screamed out only name that I knew could save me.


But how is he gonna come here because within 2 seconds my neck will--

I closed my eyes and waited for the ground to break my neck but before it could I felt strong arms circle around my waist and pick me up.

I was still too scared to open my eyes. What if I was already dead and I'm kind of dreaming like someone saving me?

I felt the wind whipped past me and then I was still again.

What the hell? We aren't supposed to feel anything when we die, right?

"What the fuck Elisa? Can't you watch while walking?" A deep voice said and that answered my question.

I was still alive and Alec came in time to save my pathetic neck.

Slowly I opened my eyes to find a very angry looking Alec glaring down at me.

I took a deep breath and released it slowly.

"Well? Care to explain Elisa, why were you running down the stairs?" He sneered.

That spiked my anger, well it was not my mistake that I slipped--

Wait what?


My eyes widened and I said, "Put me down Alec."

His nostrils flared, "Answer my fucking question, Elisa--"

"Oh! For the love of God! Listen to me Alec for once and put me down." I said.

He growled and put me down and I immediately went up the stairs, this time looking carefully at them.

Running Scared Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora