Old Enemies Reunited...

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(A/N: The time is now a few days before christmas)

(Your pov)

Me and the girls all went out christmas shopping today. I made a list of what I got for everyone.
      Y/N's gift shopping list thing-y...
Aphmau: Anime poster, Vaporeon and eevee plushies, christmas card
•Kawaii~Chan: Cute stuff (^°^)
•Katelyn: A punching bag... and a Christmas card
•Aaron: A guitar, Christmas card
•Garroth: .... Undecided...

I don't know what to get Garroth..
Should I even get him anything?!

Anyways, Aphmau is gonna be happy, Katelyn can release her anger in the punching bag, Kawaii-chan gets cute stuff, and I figured I'd buy Aaron another scarf and get him a guitar because back in high school he played guitar sooo... that makes sense.

Aph: So! Y/n! What'd you get for Aaron?~

You: And why must you know so bad?

Aph: Because! You guys are cute together and you must've gotten him the best gift!

You: Why do you assume that?

Katelyn: Oh please Y/n. It's obvious you still like him.

She was right...

You: I do not.

Aph: Mm-hm. Sure.

After that, I went into my room and wrapped the presents I had bought for the others. It was a calm day.
Or so I thought...

~time skip~
(Your POV)

I heard Aaron call my name from the living room.

You: Yea?

Aaron: There's someone here to see you.

I walked out into the living room.

Aaron: There's a familiar Pink-Haired, turquoise colored eyed girl to see you.

I walked over to him.

You: Huh, that's funny, if I weren't imagining it, it sounds like your talking about--

That's when i realized who was standing at the door.

Aaron: Yep. You weren't imagining it. I meant--

You: IVY?!?

You heard me correctly. Ivy. The same girl who tormented me and everyone in high school. The same girl that we all hated, with the stupid screechy voice.
That Ivy.

Ivy: Well, long time no see Y/n. Aaron.

You: What are you doing here?!!

Ivy: Hm? No 'hello', 'hi' or 'hey, Ivy. How are you?' I see we've gotten more feisty since high school. And not very good people skills, try to work on that sweety.
(She pats your head and let's herself in)

I growled under my breath.

Did she just pet my head and call me sweety?!... and tell me that I don't have very good people skills?

You: You little...-

I say it quietly but Aaron still manages to hear me. I try to lunge at Ivy while she was turned around, but Aaron grabbed me and stopped me.

Aaron: (he whispers into your ear) Play nice...

You: But She-

Aaron: Stop it. Say something rude and you'll only aggravate her.

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