Their Promise.

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(Aaron POV)

The night I brought Y/n back, things got chaotic. Everyone was surrounding her to see if she was OK. We had the medical workers there trying to see if she was okay. They said she was gonna be okay. And that she'll wake up within a couple of days. And that was the end of that night, heh, on heck of a Christmas eve huh?

I've been in my room all day but, I decided to go outside and sit on the roof. I sit there now, thinking to myself, enjoying the view. My mind drifted off to the night in high school when we were on her roof.


Aaron: Go look on your roof.

Me: What? Why?

Aaron: Just go.

I got up and headed to my roof.

Me: I don't see why you want me to-

I hung up the phone. Aaron was on the roof, waiting for me.

You: Really?

Aaron: Come here.

I sighed and walked over to Aaron and sat down.

You: Why are you on my roof?

Aaron: You left your calculator.

You: That's-

I looked at the calculator and read the message on it: Go to prom?

You: Yea, I would love to go to prom with you. Oh, and thank you for the calculator

Aaron: Your welcome. But, jokes aside, I accept your apology. I understand you were under pressure because of all the werewolves asking you to prom. So, I see why you got upset. But, the real reason why I came up here was because I wanted to ask you, what are you doing this summer?

You: Um, I honestly don't know.

Aaron: OK. Well, I want to make this the best summer ever with you. Considering the fact that, we might not see each other again.

You: That's not true. We can visit each other over the summer. And hey, (you put your hand on top of his) don't think about the future, just think about right now, the present.

I turned his head to face me. And I kissed him.


I was disturbed by Garroth.

Garroth: Hey.

Aaron: Hey.

Garroth: (he walks over and sits down next to Aaron) How is she?

Aaron: She's doing better.

Garroth: That's good.

Aaron: Did you two ever make up from your argument?

Garroth: We did. We decided that we're just going to stay friends.

Aaron: Hm.

I stared out into the distance. Garroth noticed I looked stressed.

Garroth: What's the matter?

Me: Garroth. I know we're not on the best terms right now but, I need you to do me a favor.

Garroth: Hm? What is it?

Me: *sigh* The night I brought Y/n back to the house, she had said something to me... Thinking that you saved her...

Garroth: What happened?...

I stayed silent and looked to the side.

Garroth: Well?

Me: She said that she... um ... she told me that she loved me...

He almost seemed surprised by this.

Garroth: Oh. Heh... (He looks out into the distance for a second, but soons starts lightly laughing)

Me: Why are you laughing?

Garroth: (His laughter dies down) Because Aaron, it's kind of obvious that she loved you. She just never came to notice it herself. She was denying those feelings. Hell, even I knew... Yea, I was kind of upset when I realized she did but, then I realized that you knew her better than me. And you know exactly how to make her happy. I didn't know how to do that... In a way, I guess I was just jealous of you. You had her and she was always smiling around you. I wanted to do that, but I later found out that that I let my feelings get in the way of your guy's relationship. And... I'm sorry for doing that. (he looks into the sky again and gives out a sigh of relief) Well, I'm glad I got that off my chest. Now, (he looks back over to Aaron) What was that favor you wanted to ask me?

Me: Wow.. I never even noticed that. I'm glad you told me.... But, Garroth I wanted to ask you if you could pretend that you were the one that carried her up the hill. I mean she thought it was you in the first place so, it's not like we're hurting anyone. Oh, and also, when she wakes up, if she asks is she said anything when "you" carried her up the hill, just say that you didn't hear anything.

Garroth: Sure, I can do that.

Me: Thanks. I appreciate it.

Garroth: Oh and Aaron? I-I'm also sorry for being an ass about you coming back and all that.

Me: Heh, it's okay.

Garroth: Good. Now, should we-

We were interrupted by Katelyn coming up onto the roof and finding us.

Katelyn: GUYS! Oh! I'm so glad I found you! Y/n's awake!

(Start Music)

We all ran inside to see Y/n. I told Katelyn and the others about the whole don't tell Y/n i carried her up the hill thing. When we got to her she was starting to wake up.

Y/N: (casual waking up sounds) H-huh?...

Katelyn: Oh my gosh! We're so glad you're okay!! You don't know how worried we were when you came in! (She hugs Y/n)

Y/n: .....

Me: Are you okay?

Y/n: .....

Garroth: Umm, Y/n?

All she did was look at us with a smile and say, "I'm sorry if I caused you all any trouble. And thanks for saving me Garroth, I appreciate it. ... Um. If you all don't mind, I just wanna stay in my room and be left alone for today. " She then looked over my way and gave me a blank expression. But it seemed like a sad one. Then, she got up from the couch and just left into the room.

Aph: Is she okay?

Katelyn: She should be. We should give her some space though.

Everyone agreed to this and went back what they were doing before.

Does she actually remember what she said that night on the mountain?...


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