{9} : He Looks So Damn Good Without Clothes!!!

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{9} : He Looks So Damn Good Without Clothes!!!

When Ashton had exited the kitchen, I went to my room. I straightaway went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. My cheeks were red in color! I hadn't noticed that my cheeks had turned red! Maybe I was too busy staring at Ashton's semi-naked self?


I was trying to calm down my heart since it had started beating in a fast pace. I took deep breaths. In, out. In, out.

After a minute, my heart was beating at a normal pace. I decided to take a shower. When I was in the shower, I had closed my eyes just for a few seconds, to enjoy the shower but my brain was busy displaying towel-clad images of Ashton in my mind!

I put my hands on my head and said, "Stop, brain, stop." I opened my eyes. My hormones are still working even when I'm trying to have a peaceful shower! I sighed.

I got out from the shower and dried myself with a towel. I wore my clothes and exited the bathroom. My hair was dripping wet so I took the blow-dryer, sat on my bed and started to blow-dry my hair. After blow-drying my hair, I put the blow-dryer in the drawers.

When I got up from my bed, I decided to go to Ashton's room, to ask him whether I can prepare today's breakfast or not. He makes meals for us everyday so I also wanted to contribute something.

I went to his room. His bedroom door was closed. I was about to knock on the door but just then I heard Ashton talking to someone. I put my ear on the door to hear more clearly. I know I shouldn't be snooping around but my curiosity was getting to me! From the last few days, Ashton has been getting calls and he used to attend all his calls in his room.

Why couldn't he attend his calls in my presence? I wanted to know. And I also wanted to know that who was calling him.

I heard Ashton saying, "How's your work going?...Don't worry. You'll be able to do it...Can't wait to have you here, bro...She is good...Yeah, she asked about what work you do..."

Now, I know who has been making calls to Ashton. It was my brother, Michael.

I continued to listen to Ashton, "...No, I didn't tell her anything...But you should've told her...Even I don't want her to be in danger but she's curious about what work you do and her curiosity may get her in danger..."

My curiosity may get me in danger? How? And what work does Michael do that may get me in danger?

"...Promise me that you'll tell her everything when you return...Okay, take care, bye...," As soon as Ashton ended the call, I ran away to the sitting room, quickly sat on the sofa and pretended to be sitting idle by looking at the TV's blank screen.

Ashton emerged from his bedroom. He entered the sitting room and sat beside me.

"I'm sorry for our previous encounter," Ashton said to me, referring to our earlier encounter in the kitchen.

Don't be sorry. Because of that encounter I was able to see you shirtless. And I would love to see you shirtless on a regular basis!

Gosh! My hormones were working again! I need to work on controlling my hormones.

"Don't be sorry," I told him.

He just nodded. "So, what would you like to have today for breakfast?" he asked with a smile.

"Anything delicious," I told him and we both laughed.

"Coming right up," he said in a cheerful tone and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

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