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On my story Random! Enjoy! I am writing a game show about my favourite authors on wattpad! And you are one of them!

Since I can't dedicated several people at a time, I'm taking the time to do this!

Hope you keep reading my game show, or at least comment on my dedication pages!


First of all... I FREAKIN LOVE CLAY AND RILEY!!!!!!!

I knew it as "Best friends with a self-confessed player" but "Always You" works for me just as well!

Maisie Preston is adorable! Personally, I prefer Mitch to Zach but thats just me... I do hope she makes up with Luke though... even if they dont get back together.

Ashton and Anna...there love was so rushed and so slow and so intense and I was all *gasp* and yeah...loved that too ;P

Enjoying the Chase was great! Nate and Rosie are soo cute...there's one line that I am so incredibly impressed by as far as his one-liners go and it was one of the first ones he made after Cameron's birth: "Baby, we're going to have sex tonight and you may as well be there" ugh I just clapped and laughed my head off! If a guy pulls that on me, I will gladly throw myself in his arms...and I LOVE DJ!

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